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Status Replies posted by audiofanaticz

  1. Rear view mirror flex videos should be banned

  2.  I need a site that has every inner and outer cut out size of every sub

  3. Cheers, and happy b day boss man......  

  4.  I need a site that has every inner and outer cut out size of every sub

  5. I love this site but some of these questions I here make me cringe 

  6. How do I enter the sweepstakes for the sundown

  7. Know what urks me... when people don't know the difference between feet (') and inches (")

  8. Im assuming there was a SOTM promotional on FB or YT judging from the amount of traffic looking for free stuff lol

    1. audiofanaticz


      You work for 30 years, now work for 30 more to give other people who sit on their ass free shit :D:D:D


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. Where do I send the picture at I am new at this

  10. why are there lame ass google ads on the bottom of all the first posts of threads?  the click bait style ones.  this wasn't and issue earlier no i just had to re-login and it is.

  11. Help me deside between a droppin hz hotel 12 vs a soundqubed hdc3 12

    1. audiofanaticz


      L7s can get loud if you have enough of them, but you need to know what your doing with them or any sub for that matter.
      Case and point Neill Barber


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  12. Help me deside between a droppin hz hotel 12 vs a soundqubed hdc3 12

    1. audiofanaticz


      Simple way to put it is look at the price of the HDC3 12, then go look at the price of a Digital Designs 9512 that is roughly 3-4 times the price while they are very similar woofers with the HDC3 line being a generation behind in tech usually it seems.

      Why you are paying more for the DD woofer is because the cones (and surrounds I believe) are actually made in Wisconsin, I forget where the spiders are made but are US made, carbonfiber dustcaps and composite cones are made in house at DD, the voice coil is made at Precision Econowind in FL (which many companies will use on their higher tier subs (dd, dc, fi, aa, sundown, etc)), their CA glue comes from Cyberbond in IL, and their dust cap rubber glue and clear glue for composite dustcaps comes from CP Moyen in IL. However the steel, ferrite or neo, and basket are still coming from China, but built to spec that said company actually researched and tested and continuously improved prior to releasing the driver. Now the SoundQubed line is basic off the shelf parts picked from a catalog without much done to them to make them special. Meanwhile American Bass offers the same damn woofers with a different logo on them.

      This is one reason I like Sundown, they are always showing you what they are working on and upgrade, revision after revision until its ready to replace a current model, not many companies seem to really do this besides them and Pride from what I noticed. Also year after year Sundown has their bargain sale where they clean out the shop and sell b-stock items, items taken in on trade, and misc prototypes which are usually revisions of upgrades that they built and tested over and over. Plus I think they are the only company saying Assembled in USA and not built in USA with no mention of the Chinese parts as if everything was USA sourced when that is far from the truth.


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  13. Help me deside between a droppin hz hotel 12 vs a soundqubed hdc3 12

  14. Help me deside between a droppin hz hotel 12 vs a soundqubed hdc3 12

    1. audiofanaticz


      I wouldnt get either, far better out there for your money that actually have R&D behind the company and not just off the shelf parts picked from a Chinese catalog.
      Then again most woofers are made out of a lot of Chinese parts (baskets, magnet slugs, and even the steel used on the top/bottom plates and pole pieces (even if they are machined or assembled in the USA), they at least have countless revisions and multiple sample testing to get the products to where they are currently at.
      If the chose was down to those 2 the HDC3 has been around for a while and is proven even though it uses a fake carbon fiber cone that adds nothing to the subwoofer except looks, for its price point it is a fairly beast sub.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  15. My facebook memories for today consists of a lot of photo shopped bola pics

    1. audiofanaticz


      Aint got no time for creeps with crazy fetishes that want to live in the past.

      Says he dont want to bring it here, but he does just that knowing someone will ask so he can tell.

      Simply put I put an end to it.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. My facebook memories for today consists of a lot of photo shopped bola pics

    1. audiofanaticz


      You where contentiously going on about trannys, transmission have nothing to do with the subject at hand but you went on, there for there was no reason to make a jove about it. You said you didnt want to bring it here but you did.

      We have no time for that here.


    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  17. My facebook memories for today consists of a lot of photo shopped bola pics

    1. audiofanaticz


      Like I said go talk about your dreams of trannys on other pages, dont bring the gay bashing stuff to mine.


    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  18. So, is it "The dinger" or "thedenjur"?

  19. So, is it "The dinger" or "thedenjur"?

  20. That new Jay-z album is boo boo

    1. audiofanaticz


      Jays first couple albums where great. He just fell off and cant get back on it.

      Its like he is so out of touch with todays standards.

      I almost bet thats why Dre hasnt ever released detox that was suppose to be out years and years ago.

      Why release an album that might flop when all his other albums where top notch and he will always be remembered for them instead of possibly being remembered for a flop.

      Maybe not, just my opinion


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. That new Jay-z album is boo boo

    1. audiofanaticz


      Thats what I said the other day, Psyph new album straight shitting on the new Jay-Z album..

      Glad I didnt waste my money to buy that wack ass 10 songs.. Hell I even deleted the folder once I sampled it.

      Not even one good beat on the entire thing!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. Its funny how much a basshead can improve over the years. Look up worlds loudest trailblazer on youtube. He's a friend of mine that just did 165.15 in his daily at a show... 

  23. it's time for the perculator

  24. Is a fart supposed to have corn in it?

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