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Status Replies posted by audiofanaticz

  1. Got 4 vids in the YouTube upload queue...... My subs done went retarded for a little bit ;)

  2. One of the oldest sayings in the book is "you get what you pay for".....well apparently that is not always true. O-O

  3. One of the oldest sayings in the book is "you get what you pay for".....well apparently that is not always true. O-O


  5. Ignoring the specs on Fi's website: does anyone know the smallest size ported box an sp4 18 can play well in on about 3.5k?

  6. Exhaust broke today...I now drive a Pontiac Sherman Tank

  7. Old roof tore off, along with the old wood base, new wood is already laid and the rubber is on the roof to be installed tomorrow :D

  8. Got my finger on the ban trigger.

  9. The Term-Lab...breaking spirits since 2001

  10. Like a good neighbor State Farm is NOT there, with a dumbass motherfucking insurance claims adjuster that dont even know how to climb a ladder he carries in the trunk of his car!

  11. my homemade beer is a sucess!!!!!

  12. Over a week later I finally got my dd-1. Nice paying extra for over night delivery and it comes over a week later. Oh well. Taking my daughter out to the indoor water park for the weekend.

  13. YUUUP! Think Im going to go for my CCW permit!

  14. bot blocking. ten times harder than cock blocking.

  15. what a boring night so far. I want some more ban hamma action! LoL



  18. Did anyone guess right on how quick it would be locked? i guessed 7 minutes... Trolls

  19. feels good to be home!!! house shorts, house shoes and some good food smell in the air - it dont get no better!

  20. Really wanting to start my own business.

  21. CES Bound - CHEAAAA x2.

  22. Must be amateur hour

  23. my faithful dremel. purchased in 2004 has finally died. please have a moment of silence for the passing of a legend.

  24. I gotta bunch of unread pms and I aint reading a one.

  25. im the asshole but you're the idiot. I think I'll stick to being me.

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