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Everything posted by bignickk

  1. that was actully really sick lol
  2. dam when i saw the caption i thought thst fucker was gonna knock over his food lol. nice system looks sick
  3. To be honest, i think he will get off. He has pulled out the "mentally unstable" card. idk the law but i hope he gets life in an institution? lol
  4. ok good the sons ok, but dam sorry to see here gone so quick. i will never understand the mind of a killer
  5. not me but my uncles old jeep got the window broken and a couple cds and the change gone. 20$ stolen. 200 bucks or so for a new window lol.
  6. yea if he was a dick about it id say charge him. its like most problems out there. there user error and ppl want shit replaced for free because they dont know how to listen to music lol.
  7. it does seem big. but that might be because you put that in my head. and stop hatin on fat doggies. fat dogs need lovin too lol
  8. doesnt voltage drop also make the amp clip more? or is that a myth?
  9. i thought 10-12 was for bandpasses. and 16 for reg ported boxes. but some correct me if im wrong.
  10. with the almost infintie of galixes and stars and planets. how can there not be other life. mabey not a green alien but something that shows we can live somewhere else. i hope the future is like futerama lol
  11. lol yea i took the vids back to back and relized once i was done lol.
  12. got a couple vids of my hcca doin some work. ill have some more. just seein what you guys think. i got a couple more stuff i need to do but you get the idea lol
  13. i guess i will find that out with time, if it happenes. xs is obv very very good because of everyone running them. there just a little pricy. (yes i know, you get what you pay for)
  14. http://www.remybattery.com/Products/Deka-Intimidator-AGM-Battery__9A31PH.aspx dam i guess with their new shipment they went up slightly in price. i got mine used for 120 and am so happy im gonna sell my old kinetik and buy another one.
  15. i just bought a deka intimidator and am very very imprseed. very good battery for the money. 100 ah can be had for about 200 shipped.
  16. im not saying you are/were pulling it out your ass. i thought some radios had solid blue remote wires but i guess im wrong and my eyes decived me.
  17. my old HU the remote wire was blue. so mabey his is to. and thats also why i said use a mutlimeter.
  18. well if you have a DMM you can easily find out which wire it is. but yea its gonna be blue or blue/white
  19. bignickk


    sorry to jack OP but couldnt rockford say that name is way way to close? and sue them? i mean one letter a lot of new car audio people will deff get that confused.
  20. i used to pack lips(dip or chewing tabbaco) and i really really wanted to quit. did it cold turkey and honestly after like 2 3 days i was completly free from it i guess you could say lol. quiting only works if you truly wanna quit. if want to stop you can fairly easy
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