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Supercharged DCs

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Everything posted by Supercharged DCs

  1. Grandmas Toyota tarcel won't start, everytime she tries the alarm goes off. I guess it's something that Toyota thought would be useful, but it's being a PITA right now. I've looked it up, to fix the problem it says I need to find the alarm toggle. Where is it? Please reply ASAP, it's hot as balls out here
  2. My town's population is <1000 people, so this site it huge compared to it. I think it would be great if we had a giant meeting in a central state, play our systems and just cut up.
  3. Skullz, those were the best games! Zelda was probably the best series ever.... IMO Games were so much better back then, you didn't have online play so the campaign had to be killer.
  4. Holy shit, never seen his van before. How much woofers is that?
  5. why europe ? Because the culture and landscape is different from what I'm used to in Louisiana.
  6. I want to go skydiving, make a trip to Europe, and do something to raise money for a charity...
  7. Sounds like my wife! Zing! Lol, joking. Get some actual measurements mate. Maximum height, depth, and width please.
  8. Holy mother of god, that is a beefy 12"... Inb4 that's what she said.
  9. I believe there was a thread discussing this, and the answer was No, that your audio system won't set off your airbags... Unless you crash into your box lol.
  10. That's the one I will try to build. I've been reading up on them but don't know nearly enough to design a proper one... Having a design this sexy= AMAZING!
  11. Oh my god THANK YOU!!! I've seen that bandpass tline, and wanted to ask about it but didnt want to be a bother. And that horn design is sexy, I'm not sure how I would make the horn flare. I owe you man, when I get some money in my Paypal I'll send some your way.
  12. Definitely... Will post the design as well when I can get on a computer!
  13. Just got a design from someone on CACO, said AMI designed it. It's a 4th order Not sure how it'll work out, have never built a 4th order, have no idea how this woofer will perform in one, but we shall see
  14. Pm me please, I do plan on getting a 4" aero to mess with
  15. The aeros would be bigger than the woofer lol! Yep, I didn't really see a point to getting a larger 1500 series woofer, but that's the beefiest 8" DD makes... I think. Lol And yeah 4x4, that'll be nice if you could. I will try some fiberglassing later on, this box is just temporary so I can have some beat in my truck. Custom fiberglassed center console will be in the works, as well as a trunk box for competing
  16. Bump, I don't have any 4" aeros, so I would like a design with a slot port. If anyone has input, please let me know would like to have a design by tomorrow morning.
  17. Yes Yay, only a few more weeks till I get my subs. Hopefully they are here before September.
  18. Kk, and damn you haven't even gotten the XXX yet and your looking for another sub?
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