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Everything posted by tejcurrent

  1. Rates are pretty good- and a 720 is still considered excellent credit. No matter what I'd try to have as big a down payment as possible- this will help things a lot for you. It's not uncommon to put 10% here in SC. Mortgage brokers tend to look at past loan history as well as your actual scores though. I had a 780 some score and couldn't buy a house because I had always paid cash for my vehicles and never took out any loans. I was told to take out a loan to help- so I did but it brought my score down to a 730some. I just ended up with owner financing anyway. Good luck man!
  2. Since ported boxes will generally give you a gain in the audible frequency range over a sealed box it makes more sense to go ported or bandpass or some variation. efficiency ftw.
  3. Can't wait to see some pics, welcome to the site. Amazing stuff you've done!
  4. ^x2. I'd go with Fi over cv. SSDs or Qs would be great and wouldn't need a huge charging system.
  5. It will have problems. I lost over 1.5db after my sunroof popped off track. :mad: I want to be able to return it to stock and have it usable in the future, so I can't glue it or weld it.
  6. Yeah that is. I'm pretty interested in your yukon test results whenever you actually swap things out. Great score with the 148+ btw.
  7. No joke, my wife used to dream she was being abducted at night. I was touching her rib cage and found out she's missing a rib
  8. Nice TVs bro. I have a 42" Panasonic 1080p plasma I got about a year ago from a guy who couldn't pay his rent. I had a 32" Sony vvega flat tube, and a guy just bought the panasonic (he showed me the receipt for over $4000 ) so the plasma cost me $300 + the sony I wouldn't really consider a used plasma, but the guy was in the army and hadn't used it much because he was only home a day or so a week. I'd say I like the plasma better than the LCD- I've compared both and just think it has a better look to it. I really want to put the one I have now upstairs and get a new 50" downstairs- but the wife doesn't like that plan
  9. IMO whoever wrote that has an agenda. In the letter itself it says only a small portion of information is diffused, the least upsetting part. I think it's written to try to get people to act like they would if there was a higher race out there watching, or at least think about it. I could only force myself to read the first third of the letter. Unless the keyboard it was written on has no "z" key, the person writing it is from a part of the world where it is common to replace z with s. And there were grammatical errors as well: civilisation realised organised Our existence is a reality but the majority of you does not perceive it yet. I guess the aliens didn't proof read? I just think it wasn't that well written- just had some big words thrown in to make it seem fancy. I don't rule out aliens existing, but this letter still doesn't explain them turning all those cows asses inside out.
  10. There's no ketchup button at my McDonalds . Yesterday at Burger King I got a spicy chicken sandwhich + cheese. I sat down to eat with my wife, and there was no cheese- so I went back up to the counter and politely showed them the sandwich and asked for cheese. She actually asked the guy on the line if there had been cheese added, and the girl didn't ring it up. The manager said to me: 'you didn't add cheese' and I replied 'I asked for it', and the girl who rang my order finally admited she rang it wrong. So the manager, without washing her hands, carries the chicken sandwich to the back and begins disassembling the thing. She slaps a piece of cheese on and throws it in the heater. After the timer goes off she wrapped it in new paper to make it look new, and hands it to me. I sat down at the table and opened it up to find the bun was soggy from the old sauce once it was put in the heater. After I asked for a refund because I wasn't going to eat it, she spent the remainder of the time it took my wife to eat her entire meal trying to figure out how to refund my money so her paperwork would come out right, instead of just giving me my $5.90 and working it out on her own time. Just really really shitty customer service there.
  11. Dude, I feel you 100%. This isn't food related, but it's the same deal with people who are too rude to help you. Instead of typing a hole bunch now, here's a blog I wrote on myspace (I have it blocked so I'm just posting it so you can read it): ---------------------------------------- Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Customer service Please! Current mood: thoughtful Every day I wonder how people keep their jobs with the way they treat customers they deal with. From the stoned 15 year old at McDonalds working to get some more "Chronic" to the entrepreneur running his own business, the lack of enthusiasm and friendliness I see by most people is astounding. If you hate your job, get another, if you are satisfied, than take pride in your work and be sociable! I have SunCom service for my cell phone for the simple reason that I can make unlimited calls to anywhere-and I call other states frequently. I have had their service for years despite the lack of customer service, reception, and through many many dropped calls. I HATE my provider, but they cost less than 1/3 of what a comparable service would cost from any of the competition. THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE IS TERRIBLE!!! If I have the smallest problem it becomes a major ordeal to resolve. The support over the phone is rude and often unknowledgable. Because of how bad things were over the phone I decided go to the store. Upon crossing the threshold of the Conway SunCom store I was amazed at the incompetence and insolence I found. The employees don't know how to do anything- from problems with the bill to finding the right size battery; and they aren't afraid to be rude or insulting. I waited 1/2 an hour once while I glared at a pudgy middle-aged woman carry on a conversation with her husband instead of helping the customers. When she finally got off the phone she looked at me and told me to wait she just had a few more calls to make. She was irritated when I told her that I had been waiting in the store and needed a simple question answered. Point being-suncom is the worst company to deal with EVER. While I use suncom for my phone, I use Verizon for my air card for my Vaio laptop. With my job(s) it is important to be able to access the internet from anywhere, and while Verizon is $10 more per month than SunCom, I figured it would be worth it. It was. I am able to get reception almost anywhere with Verizon. The signal I get from my air card is often faster than most peoples cable or DSL line. It is not as fast as my roadrunner line at home, but I can take it anywhere. After almost a year of service I had a minor problem with my bill, so I called the tech center at Verizon. After a 2-3 minute button mashing round with the automated service they have I was able to speak to a human. He was polite-patient, and concise. He helped me every step of the way, and after finishing with paying my bill over the phone he said "You did an awesome job, Sir". I've never been complimented on something so simple, but it was refreshing. They went out of their way to be nice, and that makes all the difference. I admit everyone has a bad day, but is it so hard to offer the courtesy that was once refered to as common? -=------------------------------------
  12. Okay, fresh from a bath: He still has so much loose hair he won't be inside for quite a while. I don't know why I like this pic so much So there he is, he's still so skinny, but I'm sure it won't be long before his ribs are covered a bit better. He really is a good natured dog, it's just that he likes to put his mouth on your hands. While he's gentle, it's not the most reasuring place to have them- you know? *edit- It looks like he has no toys or anything- it's just that he won't put down that stick lol.
  13. Looks great man. Hope to see that 150 out of the explorer, but time will tell. I'd like to know what difference the yellows made for the strapped pair of sundowns. Memphis took care of my amp for me, but I'm sort of afraid to hook everything up till I know I can keep it above 12v. Did those round ports make much of a difference over the slot you were using before- or do have you tested in the same vehicle? Looking great, Hopefully I'll be able to make it out to a show soon and see it in action, but I need to get those alts first.
  14. Yeah, I have 285s on mine, so it's just enough to fill the tirewell out ok and didn't make any real difference, but my bros 35s threw his chevy 2500 down from about 16mpg city to 14mpg (but he drives crazy- quick starts and all).
  15. It's true. So many people hate full size suvs/trucks because of the 'fuel inefficency' but the truth is they're only 1mpg or so off from small/midsize. My brothers 5.3v6 blazer got 13-14mpg going down hwy 95, but with my old 2wd Yukon I got over 20mpg on the highway (520 miles off 25 gallons). I could get around 17 or more hauling a trailer, while the blazer dropped to 11ish. With the tahoe I have now it has 4wd and tow package which both hurt, and I haven't had it on a good trip to find out, but it gets about 15 in the city with stop and go and a heavy load in back. I don't see why its impossible. I gained 2-3mpg after switching to synthetic oil and a K&N filter too.
  16. That's what it's all about man. Most of them are really nice dogs, just a lot of people are afraid of a dog they know nothing about. It's sad because they have dozens of dogs on site, but not many get adopted. 2 years ago only 30some were adopted all year, last year it went up to 60. So many people spend hundreds or more on dogs, but with all the dogs that need a good home that just doesn't feel right to me.
  17. I mis-spelled the title lol- I went to the humane society, not the human
  18. Well, I've been wanting a guard dog (atleast looks wise) to protect the back yard and play fetch with, and the wife wanted something she could walk without worring about people messing with her. I can't see paying for a dog when there's so many that need help, so we went to the humane society a few days ago, and really liked this guy: We just picked him up and he'll be getting cleaned up tomorrow at petsmart (I tried to bathe him and it just isn't going to work..) I'll get more pics when I get fresh batteries. He was a stray so they don't know what enviroment he grew up in, but he's 1-2 years old, and has been there since last June- over 6 months penned up. He's obviously part lab, and from the markings, thick neck, wide head, and his deep growl we think part rot. He seems really good-tempered, but fairly protective. We've just brought him home today after getting his shots and micro-chip, and as soon as the in-laws came over he growled I've had a fear of of big dogs for as long as I can remember, but it's also the only kind I like (kind of ironic?). I know there's a lot of dog people on this forum, so any advice I could get would really help as far as training him, thoughts on what he might be mixed with, or helping me for that matter . Thanks a lot guys, I'll get more pics after he's had a good bath and I get some batteries tomorrow.
  19. Don't let it bother you man. I replied to this topic this morning a few hours ago on ecoustics: http://forum.ecoustics.com/bbs/messages/4/438783.html. He's got a few comments about people sucking you off there.. You've got to figure there's a lot of kids behind computers with nothing else to do. You seem to get a lot of shit, but you're blowing up so much now there's going to be cocky azzles who think they can do it better, but will never have the green to make it a reality. That leads to all kinds of inadequacy issues Keep up the good stuff man.
  20. Like said, people think tons of bass is retarded, but I like it. I don't like lowered trucks, but tons of people do. With that said I still agree that's stupid.
  21. I grew up on a small farm with chickens and such, so I know exactly where you're comming from with shooting it. That's not right though, and while a very light power pellet gun can sting the cat without hurting it, you could still get in trouble. To me putting animals lives above the value of humans is just not right, but I see it more and more in the paper. My parents had 2 cats and I remember driving my new car all the way from MD to SC- I got home, parked the car and ran in to change and head to my girlfriends to show her my first ride. I come out- the cat got scared by the door opening and ran down the hood putting huge scratches through the paint all the way down to primer/metal. Putting a trap out will only take a day or two to catch something- especially if you've got some nice food in there. Do the right thing with this, I won't even go on with my opinion, but while you may not feel it's wrong- you'll feel bad spending a few years in jail for cruelty. We used to set traps like that and then shoot what we caught. The animal shelter would put down everything before the end of the day anyway (a lot of animals had the mange there).
  22. I don't know where you'd look in that vehicle, but almost every single one I've ever worked on had it. Have you checked your pillars and all in the rear?
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