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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Replies posted by Bump4life

  1. really need an 2k amp for 300shipped or less hit me up or im getting the bb2400.1 tomorrow!!!!

  2. heard fox_racins truck today, don't think I'll EVER be satisfied with any system I have ever again...   thanks dawg. :/

  3. just realized, after saturday I can have my xovers adjusted properly, yeah, no more voice via sub yippeee go me

  4. 4 DD 9515G's or 2 DD 9518I supercharged? :'(

  5. I'm halfway to fucked up probably more. It wasn't the plan LOL. I hope its not too hot at the show tomorrow.

  6. Oh my fucking god. Someone Selling two AP1500's for $200! Thats 3000 watts for $200. Why must i work at McDonalds! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

  7. I live my life one DB at a time, BASS LIFE!

  8. anybody else really wanna try out some 8's?

  9. anybody else really wanna try out some 8's?

  10. Love when people run their mouths on the itnernet and then when you start looking into things you cant help but laugh.

  11. I like da bass. moar power is making me happy and hungrier for more.

  12. I like da bass. moar power is making me happy and hungrier for more.

  13. Got tracking updates this morning. 2250 watts of sex will be here tomorrow :)

  14. enclosure design is not nearly as hard as some people make it

  15. Port center or drivers side? Wire to 1ohm or .5? Decisions, decisions.

  16. car is only putting out 13.8 volts running where the hell is my other .5 volts lol

  17. Port center or drivers side? Wire to 1ohm or .5? Decisions, decisions.

  18. Need some cash, so I dropped the price on the DD3512 to 350, and put up a Viper alarm, with extras, for 300. Take these off my hands please.

  19. "If you'll do the lendin' she'll do the bendin'..."God I love Everlast...

  20. Really want an m4a and some batteries, but really need to resist\

  21. after 3 years of making payments on my 1999 Toyota 4Runner aka "Rolling Thunder" I'll be making the final one today, hell yeah, goal accomplished, all of my rides are mine, no more vehicle payments until I get a Mustang in about 3 years LOL

  22. Wish I had an amp. I want to beat on this Mayhem.

  23. women lie, men lie, numbers don't lie(Termlab)

  24. is this thinking correct? if i have a box that is 42w at the top and 62 wide at the bottom can i take the average of them 2 numbers so i can get the cuft of a box?

  25. Blown head gasket and need a new timing belt. 3k to replace..... UGH

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