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Everything posted by G_Fresh

  1. They are mostly used to help you quit smoking. I believe the nicotine cartridges lower in dose. Or you can smoke these as an alternative..
  2. I wouldn't. You should leave it in for at least 4-6 weeks EDIT: I got my lipped pierced in the middle. Mine took about 6.5 weeks to fully heal
  3. TV broadcasting is only 720, gonna take a while before they make the switch to 1080
  4. Sounds about right.. I paid 849 for my new 42 inch plasma.
  5. Not always true.. You can find a lot of crazy stuff by driving around... I have found priceless stuff people think are "junk"
  6. OMG this site is hilarious.. Can't stop laughing. Here's some of my favorites. http://bash.org/?8102 http://bash.org/?352172 http://bash.org/?400459 http://bash.org/?23601 http://bash.org/?99060 http://bash.org/?99835 http://bash.org/?171987 Most contain foul language. Delete if not allowed...
  7. Haha.. I'm on a diff forum right now postin up 18+ pics. Everyone suddenly disappeared. Rofl.
  8. I shoulda took a few pics from last night.. 10 people went through 5-20 packs of bud light. haha
  9. Go smoke a blunt. Chill out. Listen to some music. All will be good.
  10. I can't stand double stuffed. Too much for me..
  11. Kenwood eXcelon series are pretty decent. Cheap too.
  12. I've been like that my whole life.. I started smokin a bowl before i lay down and it helps me stay knocked out..
  13. It's replaceable.. At least they didn't rip your house apart like mine did when i was broken into...
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