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Everything posted by IBleedMusick

  1. I would PM Jon from SS he was a huge help to me and almost immediately told me what I needed to do to get the best sound out of my car. Best part is he broke down why I needed each product he quoted me for, how much to apply and where it needed to go. I am going to be running SS simply because of customer service like that, it seems uncommon nowadays to get a rep that gives a damn about your car and isn't just trying to sell you the most expensive stuff.
  2. That's hard to determine, honestly it is totally on the box build and the power the colossus is producing. It won't really sound like an SUV because it takes less power to make an SUV sound loud than it does a trunk car but if done correctly that one JL on 1000w should be strong. Is the box you built sealed or ported? If ported what is it tuned to?
  3. fucking A right. Stop being her friend and you dont have a friend zone anymore. lots of vagina in the world. im guessing youre young go out and stick your dick in any wet puddle you can find. You're killing me
  4. :rofl: :rofl: I don't think I have laughed so hard all day. Thanks n8 that cracked me the hell up. OP, yeah man up seriously you have to draw the line at giving her and the bf a ride. Hooking up with a bestfriend or enemy and they say nothing but good things about you would probably change her thoughts of you.
  5. Great Review Hope to get myself a CC-1 to match my DD-1 makes like a hellava lot easier when installing.
  6. I have a local dealer but I haven't been able to catch up with him but just have a question you can answer. Sorry for the thread jack but I am getting the new PA mids and the XST2 when does the new C1100.4 drop and what is the price point like? Need to see what I need to look to spend on some Crescendo gear been itching to run it for a while now. I got prices for the speakers just need to know the amp?
  7. Yeah I did one recently and best I could come up with was deadener and then another piece of mdf so it's like a sandwich mdf (the enclosure) deadener and then mdf then I mounted the amp.
  8. I like the VU meter idea or an EQ maybe. Damn that is in a retarded spot, can you move the HU down and then do something in the top slot?
  9. I would use the open space you want and extend it forward and down slightly to mount the GPS that way you build it to look flush but its slightly extended enough so that you have the CD player and the GPS mounted nicely.
  10. I would look at Mechman I believe he built Steve's alts and he is a partner on this site so you can contact him from here just go to the Mechman page and ask over there should find your info. You can also check out Mike Singer or Excessive Amperage. BTW what you're doing is powerful keep it up can't wait to see pics of this thing in action.
  11. You can do both. The XS battery can become your main battery or a secondary batt.
  12. I would go with the Alpine MRP-M500
  13. I ran a Kicker ZX1000.1 to mine and it beat the shit out of the poor 8. Unless that Planet Audio is an old school amp the new stuff is bs. I would go with the RF but something from their Power series.
  14. There's nothing wrong with the Type R's I would get 2 more Type R's since you already have 2 and go with 4 but make sure you have the space to do it properly and the electrical to back 2000w
  15. IBleedMusick


    A small metropolitan city?
  16. okay that makes sense. and yeah hopefully nathan will help clear up anything From how I understood it IIRC when he announced the group buy was that the XP is made for those of us who want to play for longer periods of time like demo's to use them in our battery banks for strictly that reason.
  17. Im going to troll on you for second. My mother has a masters in accounting. Grant we both live in michigan...accountants are not on high demand..when I say this...I troll ya from experience....thats not a good field to go for. I have to agree very shakey career banking is give or take my mom is in accounting and makes phenomenal money but she has friends with the same degree and more knowledge struggle to keep a job. Good luck in your future if you make it bankers make awesome money but it's easy to end up out of work.
  18. Speaking of which you make a good point. ATTENTION: I will be in Vegas in May for the AccessData conference so Vegas bassheads need to come out of the woodworks
  19. I always found having a degree in computers keeps my options open for whatever I make it. My first 6 months out of college I was making money as a consultant with my own hours now I work for a support firm which supports one of the largest law firms in the country. It works out great because we do trial set up and shadowing so I get to travel a lot. Only downside is I am on call 24/7 which sucks when we are at trial but when things are calm I can work on my own projects or go up to the shop and make some side money. If ever I wanted to I could always go back to consulting no steady paycheck but the money is right when the work is there.
  20. My Atrix is actually louder than my iPod with no enhancements. What kind of phone are you using.
  21. My major in college was Computer Engineering went to FAMU. I got a job as an IT guy plus I run my own little side business repairing and fixing PC's plus I was able to get a part time job doing Car Audio so that's always a plus. Challenging? Yes. Fun? Yes. Great Money? Hell Yes.
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