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Status Updates posted by G-Rad

  1. Wow, 3 more heat-relaed deaths today, and it's not even 1PM (CST).. This makes me nervous!

    1. Rebel4055
    2. OrionStang


      ...I would say a quart an hour.

    3. Rebel4055


      haha someone seen what I did thar.

  2. Haven't tried to overpush myslf today. Results seem much better off. I'm not recovering as fast as I was expected to, but progress is being made. I definitely feel more lively. That's a plus. ON a different note though, I've been under alot of thoughts and with the things I do and such...

    1. blownengine


      Hey man glad to hear your feeling better.

    2. blownengine


      Hey man glad to hear your feeling better.

  3. 4 people died today in this heat. That scares me.

    1. OrionStang
    2. MrSkippyJ


      lots of water, tons of water.

  4. Off to church... Wait, what?! Yes.. Church.

    1. BeatBox


      Praise the LORD!

    2. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      if ur scared go to chuch

  5. Gonna be a long journey, but a well-rewarding one.

    1. MarioB


      i have a journey ahead of me also.

  6. Come visit sometime, yo! Yeah I'm talking to YOU! :D

    1. n8ball2013


      stop posting this here. goddamn

  7. Got a new amp. 760w 2 ohm stable. WOrking slowly from the ground up. Next is some tweters.

    1. OrionStang


      I got some brand new Hertz tweeters for sale. Hit me up

  8. :( I'm not feeling right. I just wanna snap... But I'm doing my damndest to keep my cool...

    1. Sanitarium


      Stop being a bitch and bitch slap someone.

  9. Burning up and playing Final Fantasy VI. Right now, in the game, I'm in the WoR nd am dispelling the curse on the Cursed Shld (Shield). I still got a few side quests to go.Doma Castle (Cyan's Nightmare)Narshe Mountains (Obtain Yeti)Magic Tower (Gem Box)Fight all 8 Dragons Fight Doom GazeCoral Cave (Thamasa)

    1. nCOMP1337


      FF6 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Facing challenges one by one, but trying so hard to carry on.

  11. Does anyone in my area have a spare box fan (the somewhat-big square fans), or any other large fans, they're not using. Gota do something to get some airflow going in this house. The thermostat, right now, reads 92°F in here. Thank you. If not, that's fine. Just trying to do what I can.

  12. What a world we live in. Technology progresses only to crash the very future we try to create.

    1. Autruche


      Yeah, and Y2K was real, and the Rapture happened back in May, right?

  13. 106 in Seagoville today. This is terrible

  14. < in Writing mode

  15. Bleh... Probably going to go to sleep here in a little bit. Not feeling right...

  16. guess I'm gonna try and record the Heel-Toe tutorial video. To all you YT fans/followers, this is something you've wanted for ages, it feels like!

  17. One of the best shows I've ever played, to this day, was in Little Rock, Arkansas. It was Taste of Chaos Tour 2008 with Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu, and Bullet For My Valentine. I was with Verdict of Vengeance. It gave me a taste of what I truely wish to do. Sound checking and hearing my kick drum bounce off DownTown Little Rock was heart stopping. Gave me that "Hell yesssss" feeling. The 17 minute set, meeting with the guys in the bands, and even the professionalism on stage. It was t...

  18. Wish me luck in the morning guys. Going to the doctor finally. I'm hoping it's not all it seems, but I fear it may be a summer flu-like illness, because of symptoms.

  19. I was finally able to replace my digital camera that got stolen. Just a little Sanyo from Wal-Mart. Records in 720p so I did a quick drum video with Tower of Power's "Back In The Day". Going to edit it together in true HD for once, and see how "true" it is...

  20. Anybody from SHS remember Mr. Balthasar? (Wood Shop Teacher). He passed away lastnight due to a heart attack.

  21. Recorded a tutorial/lesson video. Intro and main riff of "Two Princes{". My reason for this is I've noticed no drummers on YT done it right...

  22. I went to the doc. I have Bronchitis. and due to this, not only do I have to take an antibotic/steroid, but I also have to undergo breathing treatments. I am to stay at rest until the weekend. No band practice or anything :(. I'm not happy, but I have to do what I have to do.

  23. Talked to University of Phoenix today and I'm glad to learn I can get my Masters degree all online. :)

  24. Alone I go. Tired of it though....

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