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Status Updates posted by MatthewBigBossWilliams

  1. There is a special place in hell for the people that work at EA and Activision.Richard Eric Amanda

  2. New subwoofer video coming up today! prepare for the madness of 2 15s

  3. Hey guys, thanks for the birthday wishes :) appreciate being one more year older!

    1. Miguels


      you're just 1 day older from yesterday

    2. SnowDrifter


      Only counts at 16, 18, and 21

  4. I gotta get my tonsils removed. Yay me!

    1. bigmizzle99


      Oh noooo! This is the worst as an adult! Its like gargling razor blades for a week.

    2. Casket


      Hope they gave you a bucket of oxy.

  5. I need to get my shooting score up.. 36/40. no bueno.

  6. For the car audio stuff - I am doing song requests. Let me know what you want :) Clorissa Williams - I still owe you one lol

  7. Blaming video games for violence is like trying to throw blame on the car for the driver driving drunk.

    1. n8ball2013


      Or the gun in the hands of the nutjob

  8. Explanation as to why i will not tell dates: iIf we tell dates, the dates get moved to the right of the calendar. so it takes us longer to get back. so it is wise that we dont say such things on facebook

  9. Everything you can learn about life you can learn from Lion King.

  10. I should upload some deployment pictures eventually. Here's what you're missing: its got mountains and lots of desert sand.

    1. OrionStang


      Thats cause you're late. If i upload some of my pics, you'll throw up.

  11. "I have forgotten more about medicine then you two will ever know" - Dr. Kelso, Scrubs lol

  12. Take he time out to listen to people. For some they are probably in need of someone to talk to about life. Maybe they don't want to tell you but give hints to their distress. The point I'm making is to be observant and help your fellow man or woman. Sometimes all it takes is a talk to make them feel better.

  13. gonna go get some subways

    1. zack_e89


      i had a steak n cheese earlier...mmmm :)

  14. Wow. Ive seen Scrubs and it is still an amazing show.

  15. You know its funny. I see these pictures where people post "keep scrolling if you love the Devil. Like and Share if you love God." Those are really starting to bug me.

  16. Andrew Swanson and Eric Swanson You mus replay Mass Effect 3 endings :D just awesome

  17. Hmmm. my departure is close.

  18. So far coming onto facebook I see nothing but people post all this guilt trip crap. Wheres the friggin motivation?

  19. Passed the room inspection. Sergeant said my battle and I had the best room he's seen so far.

  20. If people keep having issues with Iphones auto correct feature, why dont they just disable the damned things

    1. audiolamb6


      they dont know how apple people r stupid android baby

    2. MrSkippyJ


      i would stop having a phone before i would own an android phone. but i too wonder why people just don't shut autocorrect off if they don't like it.

  21. Courage is going through anyway even when you are afraid.

  22. First ten mins of mass effect 3 and i really wanna go renegade :'(

  23. I want to have kids later in life to show off to the other parents that my kids WILL be better then theirs :)

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