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SMD Silver Member
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Status Replies posted by Kyblack76

  1. 848 spam mails in 10 hours. Record for my email.

  2. how many d3100s to run a dc5k @ .7

  3. Somebody jacked all the equipment out the BEYMA truck?

  4. Somebody jacked all the equipment out the BEYMA truck?

  5. Everyone one their way to slam, and I'm here like,...

  6. Everyone one their way to slam, and I'm here like,...

  7. Anyone care for linear power amp guts on friday?

  8. That moment when you check what someone quoted you while you are around your wife and big ol titties is bouncing, lol

  9. Linear power amp #2 ordered. I am super moist right now

  10. Not Kimbo!?!?!?!?!

  11. I need the dummy's version of 6 speed shiftable automatic. Is there a clutch

  12. Computer was down. got pneumonia, collapsed a lung. Hospitalized on a ventilator for 1 1/2 months. I'm back bitches.

  13. fml dc 5k is screwed need it repaired asap for slammology any ideas?

  14. Ct Sounds vs Phoenix Gold

  15. Ct Sounds vs Phoenix Gold

  16. Ct Sounds vs Phoenix Gold

  17. so, can someone tell me what the hell FOAD stands for?

  18. so, can someone tell me what the hell FOAD stands for?

  19. so, can someone tell me what the hell FOAD stands for?

  20. What timing... Talking about fusing the alternator wire in that one thread and a car rolls into work on a tow truck. Shorted out rectifier

  21. ANybody here ever run a Havoc using minimum rec'd volume? 1.8 for a 12"?

  22. shit..stupid question..forget about it..but..is a box tuned to 42hz high? its arround 4.6cuft3 for 2 12s? i could get it a little bit bigger but its as much as i can do.

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