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Everything posted by Namosh

  1. This sounds like a really low-ball version of the Nigerian princess scheme!
  2. Yeah, love football season. Go Jayhawks!!! (oh well,basketball season is just around the corner )
  3. Yeah, put up some build pictures. Looks like a lot of hard work goes into something like that. ....and how does that work? With a parking lot full of those kinds of cars, do you all take turns playing or does everyone try to drown each other out....I'd think that would be annoying as fuck.
  4. For that box you should be closer to 6" for 35hz...HOWEVER, that's not nearly enough port area.
  5. No, you do not divide the length. Only the area.
  6. When you use the wall of the box as one of the port walls, it continues beyond the end of the port...this needs to be taken into account. It's not really that big of a deal. When you take all the other acoustic aspects of the box and vehicle, port tuning is not that exacting. Just get it close. EDIT: I'm just talking about the length of the port. I think you got the whole area thing now.
  7. Let me throw my confusion into this... If your total length of port needs to be 22" and your first length is 11.25 (this is from box face to center of adjacent port) then you need each half-port to be 10.75"...now if the back wall is one side of the port, subtract half the width of the port...in your case 1". The thickness of the walls doesn't come into it.
  8. That's what I was thinking! So what part of Nebraska? If you are towards the southeast corner, you won't be far from the KC area. There's a few SMD'ers around here.
  9. I've been jammin' this all day. Really like it. The whole album is really good. I've actually ate in the Gates Bar-b-que he is talking about in that one song....best in KC!
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  14. Take all three pics into paint and stick them together side by side.
  15. I love my chicken Cluck, cluck, cluck If you touch my chicken I'll beat you up! Way better than the pants on the ground song.
  16. It's already been posted and locked up on here once today.
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