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Status Updates posted by audiolamb6

  1. final's where a blast and sorry sensai i couldnt stick around for that drink next time tho

  2. damn d/l all the zips again damn puter will only do 6 at a time

  3. who watched sleepy hallow shit looks good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      A hollow that's sleepy. C'mon now Miguels. ;) lmfao

    3. Miguels


      fuckkkkk. i thought he meant the movie

    4. WastedTalent


      I'm sure he did... i was just effin with ya lol

  4. here at the comp in florance whos comin

    1. audiolamb6


      first run 141.8 not what i thought she had in her

  5. well blow my cerscendo 10004 not sure if i want to fix it or just sell it

  6. where to put my 3100 in my hoe

    1. SnowDrifter
    2. audiolamb6


      want to put it where the stock sub was but dont think it will fit

    3. matt14


      Dont think it will fit there. I removed that panel to put a 3400 there and looked really tight in there

  7. what would someone be willing to pay for an orion 250 sx

  8. we're the miller's is some funny shit right there

    1. Guerra33


      yea it is! you know what i'm saying haha

  9. got some new shoes for the hoe will post up some pics in a bit

    1. audiolamb6


      pics r up in the latest purchase thread

  10. my little brother just moved to phoenix and is looking for work if anyone could give him some help hit mt up

  11. damn this sucks removing modeling

    1. Jessica


      lol, my molding turned to dust when i tried to remove it. Don't complain!

    2. audiolamb6


      damn double sided tape is a bitch

  12. well got another hoe 02 with 166xxx on her pretty damn clean

    1. deathcards


      gotta love a good 'hoe lol

  13. goin to look for a truck or suv

  14. lone ranger was pretty damn funny

  15. just watched the purge i another 2 hours of my life lost

    1. purplesyrup
    2. audiolamb6


      well im not gonna watch it again

    3. WastedTalent


      That's out already? Da fuq have I been? Lol.

  16. alt. on its way back to o.g. damn bearing goin out

    1. Bump4life


      Ohio generators?

      whats wrong with it?

    2. Bump4life


      im about to buy an OG . want to see whats up

    3. audiolamb6


      bearing going out making a loud noise but they said send it in its under warranty

  17. damn alt. bearing is goin out have to o.a. monday

  18. zip 33 is out anyone tried it yet

  19. shit think i fried a tweeter

  20. did a 139.4 at the comp and vomits shit was off the hook

  21. come on heat u can do it

    1. BassHead1990


      no....no heat should not do it

    2. audiolamb6


      to bad they did

    3. BassHead1990
  22. fucq this ddx719 its out of here 80 prs on the way see what these morel sound like active

    1. Krakin


      Aww I like my ddx-419

  23. well my ddx719 is given me problems called crutchfield and the say i can switch it for somein else thinkin of goin with the 80prs

    1. audiolamb6


      srp cant find anything worth a shit and i had planned to use the open space for a vm-1

  24. hope these storms dont get to bad shit bout to start here

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