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Everything posted by WastedTalent

  1. haha, i hear that man. sometimes, be grateful you don't see family though. I am. psychotic sister and stealing brother... no thanks. But def good to save $$ on shipping. And shipping times are better too! Get it in oregon a lot quicker than in AK for sure.
  2. Been up for hour and a half, already sold how many? At least 5? Not too shabby, shows how many people wanted one/another. Lol.
  3. Didn't want to make thread. Here we go. Have watch that stops working after X amt of time. Shake it and it works again. Not dead battery, part of watch feature. Any way to get rid of this feature?

  4. I'm not one to bash this idea as it is a great idea, in my opinion. But as far as like a thread or section for each state? I'm sure we have a member, at least one, from each and every state. I can't see that happening. That's 50 threads or so. Then there's also international people as well. Only thing I can think of is like that SMD Tools thing? Says who has what and where they are? Can do that. Take a little work but that's my twist and MAYBE the more reasonable way of doing it.
  5. So on the way to work, I see flashing lights. I get closer and what's that? Another car pulled over with 2 cop cars there. Must be some new rule where 2 cops have to be there. Yet when I was pulled over, there was only one. Hmm.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. purplesyrup


      where I live, if a second cop shows up its usually to verify a DWI, to act as a second witness

    3. WastedTalent


      Everytime I see a second cop? It's just him chillin in his car. One cop out with the driver of the other vehicle and other cop chillin in his car not doing a damn thing.

    4. WastedTalent


      OMG, I saw a car pulled over with only one cop there. Holy Batman!

  6. Would a body shop be able to get parts cheaper straight from dealer rather than me getting parts from dealer? Trying to figure this out...Need new perfect parts so salvage yard is a no go.

    1. n8ball2013


      depends on if they want to gouge you. figure out your cost and then figure out what theyd charge you at the body shop to do the same thing.

  7. Play few games of sc2 and then making this phone call...

  8. True that n8. I haven't played for... 2 weeks I think. Just because of that. No one I know is online so I just play something else. Sick of being the only person on the team that knows wtf they're doing. We'll get our asses handed to us, but I'm the only positive or the closest to positive. Got tired of that. So I did download the new map pack (ps3) and tried the peacemaker, wasn't impressed. Haven't even seen the new maps haha.
  9. So who's ready for some car pix this weekend? Sure won't be me with 8+ inches of snow forecasted!!

  10. 4 cop cars to handle a broken bus. 2 cop cars to handle 2 cars each (one officer at driver's window, other officer chillin in his car with window down). 8 cops for 3 vehicles. Hate this damn city.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carbon


      They usually hang out at the dunkin doughnuts here, They give them free shit all the time. When I see a few chargers outside, i turn around and leave lol

    3. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      in my old home town of like 8k we had over 15 city cops... 20ish sheriffs (that where in town all the time anyway) and like 6-8 state poopers

    4. WastedTalent


      We're talking any time of day. Like I saw the bus around 10 pm. I saw one car pulled over by 2 cops at like 10 am and another car pulled over by 2 cops around 1 pm. Doesn't matter the time. And it's all city police. Aurora or Centennial, doesn't matter. Part of Denver.

  11. I've never dealt with them really but quite honestly man? I'd do the same about something I bought and is practically brand new. Literally. Especially at that price. Haha.
  12. Thanks for the update Tony. Once I know these bad boys are back in, within the first 2 days I'll be havin one ordered. Are these also going to be having the cig adapter? I know Steve mentioned that in another thread.
  13. And considering it's sonic for both? they should price match. Lol. I am not sure why they have 2 different prices but yeah...
  14. Idk what you mean... paypal does use credit cards. I have. I don't do my bank. Trust me... lol. I use discover credit card for it...
  15. Having to wait to file my taxes because I am going to college..... F that. Not getting ANY DAMN STATUS on my tax refund because the IRS is that slow....alaskan knows about that haha... F that!
  16. bump on this. any timeframe of the next batch of vm1's and also the adapters steve? I know you did the order awhile ago... and i checked yesterday, still out of stock.
  17. Alan, there's even 2 out? Lol jk. I only say that because how you say some haven't even played 3 yet? I haven't even played 1. I hear it's pretty much the best ps3 series out there, but yeah... haven't even played the first one. I do agree though that if they start producing these that quick... that it will become crap, like cod. it came out roughly once a year (and still does) but it seemed to be that they worked on it. like they would do 24/7 on it for that year. now it seems more like a 8-5 mon-fri type deal. so the fact they've waited so long to release 2 and then 3? Seems like they should keep on that timeframe.
  18. I'm thinking if Jon comes on... he could help you out. Otherwise? may be sol.
  19. To everyone at/going to SBN, be careful and have fun!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carbon


      Purpose ideas?

    3. 97Jetta1637


      careful? no good stories come from being careful.

    4. WastedTalent


      Lol Nate. That's how you do it. Carbon, no idea what you mean. Literally. And Jetta, I meant more on the trip from wherever people would be coming from.

  20. According to a dealership, a h/o alt would be 1/2 the price of stock. Too bad no one makes one for my car.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. WastedTalent


      I'm patient. I'm in no rush. I just... kinda floored by the dealer. lol. Was thinkin around 300. Not...yeah. That's fine if I don't hear from Singer til like Tuesday or so. No rush at all.

    3. audiolamb6


      U gave Ohio gen a try

    4. Raptorman


      My car dips down to 500 rpm idle and my H/O alt still kicks on. It's an EA alt.

  21. not sure how you set that up because what they were saying... if you click the big ass "SMD", the logo, the whatever you call it? goes to the homepage of the forum just like hitting the old forum tab. Lol. But yeah.
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