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Status Replies posted by WastedTalent

  1. Worked my first fatal fire tonight. Not a fun night. Make sure your smoke detectors are working and you are extremely careful with heaters, and cigarettes (if you smoke)

  2. also..got crashed by some ass on the 1st of november...and still dont got any info of the guy who crashed me or at least a police report so i could get to the insurance....this waiing is killing me

  3. damn, chiefs are bringing it this year.

  4. damn, chiefs are bringing it this year.

  5. damn, chiefs are bringing it this year.

  6. It's my birthday today. 32!!!!

  7. Ordered Saturday. Shipped Today/Monday... be here Weds. Good deal. Good deal.

  8. Ordered Saturday. Shipped Today/Monday... be here Weds. Good deal. Good deal.

  9. Ordered Saturday. Shipped Today/Monday... be here Weds. Good deal. Good deal.

  10. Ordered Saturday. Shipped Today/Monday... be here Weds. Good deal. Good deal.

  11. Ordered Saturday. Shipped Today/Monday... be here Weds. Good deal. Good deal.

  12. took second in s3 in meca at finals with a 53.0... i was outgunned horribly lol but i learned alot and will be back stronger than ever next year

  13. I need some birthday gifts for the lady, she wont tell me what she wants. Already gonna take her out and stuff but i have no clue what to get her haha

  14. I need some birthday gifts for the lady, she wont tell me what she wants. Already gonna take her out and stuff but i have no clue what to get her haha

  15. bank has reward point. I forget about them, checked today and cashed them in for $100. Profit.

  16. Anyone here an anesthesiologist? If so PM me

  17. Turning 31 yaers old at 12am FTW!!! IM STILL ALIVE!

  18. I wanna see Gravity bad enough, I may just go to te theater. (can't stand the damn theater)

  19. tranny is about to go on the accord, looks like the 2k i've saved up for a system is being dumped into a new whip. mer.

  20. tranny is about to go on the accord, looks like the 2k i've saved up for a system is being dumped into a new whip. mer.

  21. Start my new position at work this week, kinda nervous. I do have some experience working in the kitchen, but that was 10 years ago

  22. It's funny to see people in my area and in general have dope cars...but they're balls deep in debt. Wouldn't you be more proud in something that you've fully payed off?

  23. Car is washed, looking fresh and clean. Gonna take my lady to the coast for oysters. MMMmmmmm

  24. Opened the silverware drawer and thought to myself "Where the hell are the plates..." Tonight has been difficult.

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