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Status Updates posted by ghostrider59927

  1. man i need bass soon

    1. WastedTalent


      Go to your local car audio shop and just close the sound door and stay in there for hours.

  2. man i need to buy a camera soon my phone doesnt pick up flex that well

    1. purplesyrup


      mine does not either, but i noticed it does better on a cloudy day than a sunny one

    2. ghostrider59927
  3. man i wish i could fine someone to buy the rest of the stuff i need and let me make payments to pay them back :(

    1. ghostrider59927


      and i only need 180$ too

    2. adam6604


      didn't you JUST make a post about this already? lol

    3. ghostrider59927


      not about seeing if i can make payments to someone

  4. man paypal is pissing me off :( if waited 4 days to verify my account and they havent done crap.

    1. Carbon


      paypal never does what they claim to do on time.

    2. ghostrider59927


      yeah and i need to ore\der about 100$ worth of stuff from SHCA to do an install

  5. me and purple are throwing down some sick beats

  6. my american pro amp played its last notes last night :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ToNasty


      you cant be serious

    3. ghostrider59927


      im not. happened at work too at night scared a lot of ppl, and no one knows why it did do it too. everything was wired up right with new wire

    4. Ballen194
  7. of course it would have to be raining cats and dogs all day so i cant work on the car

    1. ghostrider59927


      and on top of that it rained in my car and its raining in my room -_- fuck

    2. swishahouse22


      been the same here almost a week in half

  8. off to the best job in the world

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carbon


      Watch the bass knows whats up!

    3. n8ball2013


      Off to remove the ststus updates of the most annoying person on the planet

    4. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      What the hell, have Chill Master

      Will to do with that? Only that

      his nickname relate to my experience of the best job in the world.

  9. ok guys lets hope for the sale tomoorow on the distro blocks if so cheet iwill get real for my front stage

  10. ok its 4am in 3 hrs ill have been on here for 24hrs :(:) what should i do to fix this

    1. RCP Audio
    2. Omega5002


      Shit, you're worse than me lol

  11. pics and a wtf vid up on build log

  12. pics are up on the day 2 0f 3 install

  13. pics are up. and i did fix the running of rca's with power by putting them in another chanel

    1. ghostrider59927


      and might have another install tomorrow

  14. PURPLE POWA MOFO'S caps adds DB'Z

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostrider59927
    3. purplesyrup


      Some one ghost rided a stolen suv into someones house 2 days ago, threw a brick on the gas petal

    4. WastedTalent
  15. purple when you see this text me 3616496992. i finally remembered what i needed to ask you

  16. spinning again. playing some irish dubstep?

  17. sry mods bout that purple just told me yall frown upon that sry. :( but meybe kyle can do somthing like that to use as chat rooms. thatll be fun

  18. the new device cd has some bass on tracks 4 and 5 damn hits almost as hard as rap and its metal

  19. the winners have been picked look at the thread and send me a friend invite and ill send you your copy but post your steam name on the thread first so i know who it is

  20. to all 10 ppl who won a copy of DOTA 2 i hope yall like it

    1. Carbon
    2. Socky


      im able to give it away as a gift lol.

  21. to everybody that has downloaded my zips delete them. i just bought a good audio mixing program and well almost half of the music is clipping somewhere so im going to fix it all sry for the inconvienince. and all nightcore songs will be done right now

    1. __d_a_v_i_d__


      pm me 28-36hz songs :D

    2. Raptorman


      *cough* bought *cough*

  22. tomorrow shall be a fun day ripping out the intieror to re ru rca's and remote. starting on my sub box. and finishing my amp rack

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      im just getting ready to hide everything better

    3. OrionStang


      Me too, its just taking forever to get all my gear together.

    4. ghostrider59927


      im trying to sell my older stuff to help pay for a 4 ga ofc kit

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