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Everything posted by Agreene

  1. what amp will you use, and what are your max dimensions, also what kind of car do you have
  2. exactly, and if your special you may be able to get dealer prices
  3. most likely rebadged, going to be very similar to the 2.7 maxwell caps. probably more money too. not hating! maybe this will get more people to look into caps
  4. 15% off a decent dealer pricing or 15% off mrsp website pricing ( which wont matter ) lol
  5. great work on box steve, the video probably didn't do justice on the amount of time it took to make it look pretty like that.
  6. god fucking dammit this pisses me off, i got scammed a couple of weeks ago for a couple hundred got my money back from paypal but what a bitch...
  7. with the guidance of some of the members, it is cheap and easy to build a box. if you don't have the tools im sure someone on here could build a box and send it you, probably cheaper then your 350 you stated from whomever
  8. don't doubt the quality of then sundown sa 12s, I personally thing they are the best 2.5 inch coil sized 12 1 18 has more cone area, then 2 12s. so get that right first. cone area = pi x ( r x r ) r= radius pi=3.14 1 18 has about 254.47" of cone 2 12s has about 226.19" of cone if your going for numbers 1 18 is proven to put out better numbers then 2 12s. taking into fact which subwoofers are used you will probably get better numbers with the ns 18 over 2 sa 12s with the right power however the 12s will be more musical, and require less room
  9. yea i liked them was a shame they had the problem, got rid of them wasn't to happy with that. the buyer glued them back up and is loving them
  10. could of been, some people received some subs with unglued areas . mine might have been also and never caught it,
  11. as some of you know i had a pair of sundown x 12s in a nasty 4 order of of a trunk, i have taken the 4 th order out along with the x 12s , and its disappointing to say that the surrounds where coming off, spiders where coming off all around in several areas, im a huge fan of sundown and love there products.. glad i pulled them out and threw some glue on them and fixed them up i later sold them local and the buyer understood and was fine with glue repairs, however i lost a good but because of it. i understand that the issue was/is being fixed in the build house. this is not me bashing this is just saying if you own x series subs id recommend taking them out and checking the surrounds and spider. edit: i was not over powering them, clipping them. all gains where set with a dd-1 with 0 distortion. as you can see in the video i ran a dc 2k
  12. well if you want more out of the 1.2k yes the level 4 would do better you can always turn down the gain on the 1.2k with the level 3, welcome to the forums
  13. i like 2, however i think you should market more then that shirt ( if it wins ) because alot of the consumers for dc audio are 16 and 17 year olds and im pretty sure their parents wouldn't let them wear that ( just thinking business wise )
  14. awesome stuff, you gotta get this guy a demo now ! and that's awesome what david did for you glad im running his subs.
  15. in some areas such as your inner roof or trunk you can use spray foam to fill open areas instead of all deadener,
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