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Chicken or the egg which came first.

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Ed Lester

ShowtimeSPL Host

Showtime Electronics Video Marketing

My old Build Log



5 time dB Drag Finalist
Last ride 2007 HHR, current dB 153.5 and bass race 149.4 dB. 153.0 dB on music

New Ride, 2008 HHR SS. Build under way.
Loudest score ever = 171dB
2009 dB Drag Racing, North American Points Champion

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lmao somethin tells me ed has been waiting a long time for this topic to come up

dammm he went nuts posting..it interesting tho :drink40:

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SUB: 4 elevation audio sqx 12"

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i always thought the "chicken or the egg" question was nothing more than a religion vs evolution question. and i think this thread proves it lol.

as for inaccuracies in religion. imagine if you talk to someone about audio. do you talk to them about ohms law and imp rise? no, because they wont understand. you explain it to them in a way they can comprehend. not all of it will be 100% accurate but they will get a general idea. god probably did the same thing. so i dont think you can take everything literally in the bible.

I think too much is taken from te bible figuratively or literally. It was written to tell a story and be a guideline for life, the way I look at it. Problem is it has been interpretted by the writers and publishers. It has been revised and rewritten again and again. Who's to say they didn't say, 'well, we don't like that...say it this way so people take it differently.' that being said, how are you supposed to really follow what it says anyways? If a child disrespects it's parents should you really kill them? There's more and more ways to look at it, but whether religious or not the bible is a ridiculous thing to truly believe in when it's a by product of man and select peoples interpretations.

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I think too much is taken from te bible figuratively or literally. It was written to tell a story and be a guideline for life, the way I look at it. Problem is it has been interpretted by the writers and publishers. It has been revised and rewritten again and again. Who's to say they didn't say, 'well, we don't like that...say it this way so people take it differently.' that being said, how are you supposed to really follow what it says anyways? If a child disrespects it's parents should you really kill them? There's more and more ways to look at it, but whether religious or not the bible is a ridiculous thing to truly believe in when it's a by product of man and select peoples interpretations.

I think this is a common misoncception of the Bible as well. While I agree there is not a guarantee and many things written in the Bible were done in metaphorical ways, but the Bible has not "changed" over the years. I did study many of the original manuscripts written directly in Hebrew and Greek (Obviously not the original documents, but direct copies of them). Did you know? When Monks were originally tasked with copying the Bible, they were unable to communicate with the outside world at all. This was to prevent influences from accidently changing a word. Also, every time they were to write any of the names given to the God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit; they had to bath before and after writing the word. This is not to confirm any truths, but just how serious they took transcribing the books of the Bible in the past. Some of today's translations, yes, they are a little off, but that is because as people become less literate, the verbage in the Bible has to be "dumbed" down in order for people to still understand it. I have always personally chose to read the KJV, but my wife can't. She doens't understand the Shakespearian literature style, so she reads the NKJV.

As far as all of the posts from Ed... This is why I choose a reigion. At least it guides me to be a more respectable person, and treat others kindly. That was a pretty big BASH FEST against creationism, but that is fine. I am sure I could find just as many intellectual videos that do the exact opposte. But, I don't. Because, I have never and will never push my beliefs onto someone else; nor would I choose to call them naive or stupid from not believing as well.

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See, the thing is, you keep putting words in my mouth and making assumptions. Which is leading you to feel like you are being bashed when I did nothing of the sort.

In all of my recent posts I didnt even say anything, I merely posted some links to evidence that you asked for.

And I dont bash religion, religion itself CAN be good for some and has its place in culture and community as a benefit.

I simply take the bible with as much credibility as a grain of salt when it comes to matters of science.

And it does hurt to hear someone say that something that is proven fact "just an idea" or your version of the word theory. It hurts us as a whole to deny prrof, facts and truth, simply because you do not want to believe them. Or to open your eyes to new information that may go against what you believed your entire life.

And infact, there is nothing that says evolution and religion cannot co-exist, and it does. The pope and all his cardinals and bishops accept it, because they have seen the evidence.

It boggles my mind if someone looks at the evidence, gives at least some effort to understand it, and still denies it. It's crazy and has nothing to do with faith. It's denial.

There is just nothing from the religious point of view that can refute anything science can prove.

You mentioned that if it were fact, then why did it way until Darwin's discovery to bring it out? This demonstrates that your logic and understanding of scientific understanding is lacking.

Why did it wait until Ben Franklin till we understood that lightning was electricity, or Edison to create the lightbulb, or Einstein to discover general relativity, Or Newton to explain gravity. Because it has to be thought out and figured out. And evidence is gathered over time, its not just dropped on our lap.

You also mentioned that you believe in the bible because it hasnt changed, and thats fine, thats your reasoning. And this isnt meant to bash, but to debate from logic. But that is precisely why I do not listen to the bible. It was written thousands of years ago by desert goat herders who thought the Earth was flat. They also thought it was OK to own and beat slaves and sacrifice children.

With all of our advancements in Science, culture, philosophy, morals, and logic. The bible had not changed or updated to meet or even listen to these new understandings that our species had been maturing to. But ya know what? Science can change and does change when new evidence and understanding arises. That's another beauty of a "Theory" it can incorporate new evidence as it is discovered. Science is free to admit that it does not have all the answers, and if it did, scientists would be out of a job.

OK, now all of this from me comes from growing up in a deeply Christian family, going to christian school, but having a logical mind and starting to think for myself instead of simply adopting my parent's point of views.

And my logic has also left me with a great moral compass, I have a great understanding of right and wrong and help people a lot and do the right thing. I also have a deep understanding of the universe and find so much beauty and majesty in it.

To me, the fact that we evolved over millions of years, and we were created from minerals and elements from the Earth, which in turn can be traced back billions of years ago to the core of a star that had exploded and spread heavy particles over light years of space to us. This makes us a direct part of the universe. We are a conscious part of the universe and we are driven to understand the universe. We are a way for the universe to know itself.


The vastness of time and space and complexity of life and evolution is so beautiful, that if God did create all of that, why would we deny seeing and learning about that? That's the most amazing piece of art any being could have created, why shut your mind to it just because a book written by men a few thousand years ago does not include that info?


If there is no Heaven or afterlife, then our lives are so much more precious than we knew. It is a rare gift and opportunity, you only get one shot so make the most of it. Enjoy the paradise that is around you NOW! Pick your head up, get out of your pughes and unfold your hands to revel in the majesty that is life and the universe around you.

Ed Lester

ShowtimeSPL Host

Showtime Electronics Video Marketing

My old Build Log



5 time dB Drag Finalist
Last ride 2007 HHR, current dB 153.5 and bass race 149.4 dB. 153.0 dB on music

New Ride, 2008 HHR SS. Build under way.
Loudest score ever = 171dB
2009 dB Drag Racing, North American Points Champion

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I have been thinking about the chicken the egg and which came first question.

I think the egg had to come first.

My logic;

Well to get the chicken it would have had to evolve from something else rite.

So a set of animals most likely two different animals over a course of many, many thousands of years breading together or many different animals that breed with each other over the course of many thousands of years finally evolved into what we know as the chicken of today.

So with the thought of evolution in mind the egg had to come first. (multiple eggs along with inbreeding to sustain a continuious form)

As far as the creatures that it took to finally produce the egg, we have no way of knowing if they all were created using and external egg system or if some of them produced off spring internally.

The egg was first.

Debate :)

Chuck Norris came first


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I have been thinking about the chicken the egg and which came first question.

I think the egg had to come first.

My logic;

Well to get the chicken it would have had to evolve from something else rite.

So a set of animals most likely two different animals over a course of many, many thousands of years breading together or many different animals that breed with each other over the course of many thousands of years finally evolved into what we know as the chicken of today.

So with the thought of evolution in mind the egg had to come first. (multiple eggs along with inbreeding to sustain a continuious form)

As far as the creatures that it took to finally produce the egg, we have no way of knowing if they all were created using and external egg system or if some of them produced off spring internally.

The egg was first.

Debate :)

Chuck Norris came first

Ooooooooooooo good point! then his beard layed the egg! :D

Some people need a sympathetic pat... on the head...with my hammer

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