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nothing wrong with that unless you believe that ppl deserve tax breaks on corporate jets. come on now thats just ridiculous i even saw and ex house republican(can't remember his name) say that he paid less taxes than he gardener that in no shape from or fashion is right i think if anything it should just be even

Would you support a flat tax with no loopholes?

I would. If I had to pay the same percentage as the rich folks I might accidentally be able to start saving money! :werd_msword:

It is a popular thought among conservatives. A flat tax for EVERYONE is only fair. But whenever it is brought up to people who think the rich don't pay enough, they don't like it. They don't just want the tax rate to be fair. They want the rich to pay it ALL and them to pay nothing. How is that fair? It's just another form of entitlement.

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But then there are some that "slip through" and get welfare when they dont need it and just want the freebies. :shrug:

actually, thats most likely the majority. well, its between that and "benefit babies" from what i see.........

I cannot for the life of me understand why as a nation (any nation, not just this one) you would not want to take care of your people.

i am only interested in helping someone who is atleast willing to attempt to help his or her self, or is completely unable, such as sensai' example. if someone is just being lazy and only wants welfare so they dont have to work, them i say fuck 'em, let them starve to death in the street.

i am from the old school southern mindset of earning your keep.

Owner of BigAss Ports






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I'm all for Government aide. Hell I'm a college student, I don't receive shit, but if my ol' lady didn't receive the grants and aide that she does I would be the first person to say that college isn't possible for her. My mother and her "husband" make enough money to put me just out of aides reach, which is shit but that's just me. I work 40+ hours a week (at minimum wage) and go to school year around full time as well. If the social security from my dad passing away wasn't placed in the right place like it was I would not have the opportunity to go to college.

Now back to the big kid discussion, I have multiple friends from high school that are already on some sort of welfare, food stamps, un-employment, or anything else that I pay to just give away to someone that is more than physically capable of doing any type of manual labor. <---- which I think this is the big FAIL to why people can't get jobs, they're to scared to get they're manicure messed up to pick up a shovel and lay asphalt or something like that.

Being only 21 I'm incredibly concerned with what my children are going to have to do to survive. I have already accepted the fact that I will have to work for the rest of my life just so my loved ones have the funds to bury me and everything is paid for.

The entire world is in the same ship as we are, but how can China keep our jobs from us? Someone needs to get a handle on our job situation overseas and I feel like that would solve 85% of our problems.

thanks for reading (sorry it's not organized I fail at constructive thinking lol)


i agree with this but i can't get a job there is none around here i have been everywhere. thats why i am goin to school and i couldn't afford it without the government my wife barely pays the bills as it is. id do any kind of job don't care they just arn't around in this area

I hear you on not being able to find jobs, I looked for my first 2 years of college trying to find a job. I swept floors for the local auto-shops in exchange for some hands on teaching and $20 under the table a week. I busted my ass for people trying to land a real job and nothing ever happened. I would live holiday to holiday with the money I got as gifts and the random cash I received for helping someone out or fixing something for the elderly lady across the street.

thats what i have to do go do stuff for cash like buy systems for ppl from my wholesale guy for cheaper and make a lil off the top to support myself

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nothing wrong with that unless you believe that ppl deserve tax breaks on corporate jets. come on now thats just ridiculous i even saw and ex house republican(can't remember his name) say that he paid less taxes than he gardener that in no shape from or fashion is right i think if anything it should just be even

Would you support a flat tax with no loopholes?

absolutely that would be completely fair. just at a rate that can still pay the bills and not stupid ones to companies to get them to do what we want and no bail outs either if they need a bail out they arn't doin good business and don't need to be in business

I've heard a figure around 13 percent would be enough to drastically improve the deficit situation. And I don't know about you, but that is a hell of a lot lower rate than I pay now.

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nothing wrong with that unless you believe that ppl deserve tax breaks on corporate jets. come on now thats just ridiculous i even saw and ex house republican(can't remember his name) say that he paid less taxes than he gardener that in no shape from or fashion is right i think if anything it should just be even

Would you support a flat tax with no loopholes?

I would. If I had to pay the same percentage as the rich folks I might accidentally be able to start saving money! :werd_msword:

however thinking on this a little harder, it would have to be off of geographical location and not for the whole country. cost of living and wages are different for different areas of the country. There probably isn't a fair way to split fairly but it would be sooooooo nice.

Next time she tries to punch you in the stomach, whip your wiener out and chase her around. Show her who's boss.

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I'm for it, but they need to have more guidelines as to who gets it. It does piss me off when people come into my store (a "smoking accessories" store) and try to use their Vision card. Welfare is supposed to be there for you to eat, not buy a pipe. And yes, I actually refuse to run vision/unemployment cards.

Unemployment cards too? I don't know much about how that works but seems harsh to deny those.

My thought is that if you're unemployed, and you'd rather spend some money on a pipe rather than food/bills, you need to get your priorities straight.

well see the problem with that is, some people do work full time jobs, but take voluntary lay offs for a week or so, so the company does not have to fire there employees. or another situation, i was a logistics driver for a while and i would work my ass of for 3 days, and then not work for 2 days, work 2 days then be off for 4 days, or work 8 days straight and then not work for another 3 days, so i would get unemployment benifits to make up for the days i didnt work. and i control my money so all of bills are paid and i have food. if i have some left over money that month, i might buy a new pipe to smoke my medicine out of.

That's not really unemployment. That's a voluntary leave of absence for a temporary time. Unemployment is having no job to go back to. I would assume that people who take those lay offs know what kind of money they're losing, so they would hopefully plan accordingly. Now if money is tight for everyone, and someone still does that, I would hope that the government could compensate, just for a little bit of time. Of course, there's another way of people getting money..

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How about making big companies put a percentage of they're profit from every quarter into a fund to use as a stimulus package or pay back our debts to other countries? just a thought?

Next time she tries to punch you in the stomach, whip your wiener out and chase her around. Show her who's boss.

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nothing wrong with that unless you believe that ppl deserve tax breaks on corporate jets. come on now thats just ridiculous i even saw and ex house republican(can't remember his name) say that he paid less taxes than he gardener that in no shape from or fashion is right i think if anything it should just be even

Would you support a flat tax with no loopholes?

I would. If I had to pay the same percentage as the rich folks I might accidentally be able to start saving money! :werd_msword:

It is a popular thought among conservatives. A flat tax for EVERYONE is only fair. But whenever it is brought up to people who think the rich don't pay enough, they don't like it. They don't just want the tax rate to be fair. They want the rich to pay it ALL and them to pay nothing. How is that fair? It's just another form of entitlement.

as long as it is a precentage the rich will always pay more bc they make more but thats only fair. i feel like nowadays the rich are just about gettin richer and screw the poor. but you can't be that way to ppl no one(if the job market was right) would want to work for that type of person. Look at google they have all kinds of toys and stuff at there workplace for employees and they just keep growing and growing u have to take care of your ppl

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nothing wrong with that unless you believe that ppl deserve tax breaks on corporate jets. come on now thats just ridiculous i even saw and ex house republican(can't remember his name) say that he paid less taxes than he gardener that in no shape from or fashion is right i think if anything it should just be even

Would you support a flat tax with no loopholes?

I would. If I had to pay the same percentage as the rich folks I might accidentally be able to start saving money! :werd_msword:

however thinking on this a little harder, it would have to be off of geographical location and not for the whole country. cost of living and wages are different for different areas of the country. There probably isn't a fair way to split fairly but it would be sooooooo nice.

I don't think it needs to be that complicated. The cost of living affects the general wages too. People earn more in areas where the cost of living is high. 13 percent of what you make is 13 percent of what you make no matter where you live or how much you make.

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Well this is my rant when i go grocery shoppin i always see these ppl that have 2 mothaffen shopping carts full and a 200 dollar bill AND THEY PAY WITH FOOD STAMPS. sucks because its my own kind im only 15 and my parents have always worked and never gotten anything from the government not health insurance or whatever and then they pull up in since badass car and our like wtf? I know some ppl that are suposably divorced just to get welfare because the lazy as dad dont wanna work. LIKE BITCH GO WORK YOUR LIKE 35 IM 15 AND I MAKE MONEY FOR MYSELF!/ rantwelfare should only be given for those in need.

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