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Welcome Michael Müller Aka Oki...

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just wanted to officially open up your new section of my site.....when everyone see's your pictures and the wild world you live in, they will agree you definitly deserve it!

have fun and show us what you got man! (got my notepad out!) :D

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Hi there, where do I start...

Listen Pupils...hm, noooo, wrong turn... hahaha...

Introduction of me with a little psychological advise :)

Take some time, its the story of me coming along.

I always want to write that in english, now I have the opportunity.

You see I take it serious here, so please take some time

and dont fall asleep hehe.

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A "Short Brief of Üüüühh!!!"

First (if I can say that after typing so much already)

I want to thank Steve for giving me this section and all

the other who welcomed me so nice.

When you see my User Info, registered yesterday, 9 Postings,

(Ok, every posting is as long as 40 standard postings...)

then all access and the own section, that is TOTALLY CRAZY !!!

I will not freak out or get a big head, dont worry.

Will try to satisfy all of you as best I can.

And try to steal NOBODYS SHOW ! Bc. here are some

people who do CRAZY things, were all a bunch of great people !

Steves Installs, Timothys Doings and so on. All GREAT Stuff

where I do learn also ! Lets teach each other !

Due to the TIME ISSUES I have, I may post now a bit more,

because competition season is over and I am planning my 2008 trip.

I have to arrange some reports and pictures anyways. So why

not using them to give people some inspirations.

Please dont think that my way is the only right way !

Steve has his way, I have my way, others have their way.

We all have (almost) the same goal and do a real good job.

Steve said something about my wild world.

That is absolutely correct. Its a crazy world of fun,

doing things what are not usual for most people.

But the flip side is, you never know when its over.

Can be as fast as a finger snip. Also due some

tragic things like accidents (what I had in 1992).

So enjoy your life EVERY DAY like there is no other day,

but also look and plan forward ! No matter what you do.

I had the decision to be top dB competitor of the world,

ok, at some points I WAS, and am still, but I choose the

way of going off to shows, out into the world, meet people,

stick together, have fun, instead of sitting just in the

garage hunting for dbs and go out 3 times a year.

Dont get me wrong, I am not trying to take anything

away from these great guys. But as I said, there are

more ways, and everybody is free to choose what

way will be his best route to the goal!

The financial thing in this "Car Audio World" is another

big issue. After YEARS and HUNDRETS of THOUSANDS of hours

and Deutsch Marks, Euros and Dollars, I am in the good position

of being sponsored. But people just see the NOW and not the WHY IT CAME.

Companies (and this is a tip for all of you who try to become sponsored)

look that people are consistant. Look that they are loyal to their brands,

no matter HOW MUCH BRANDS ! (I like a lot, but prefer few).

I got help all the time. But the help was very little in the beginning.

First years I paid RETAIL ! Thats how its supposed to be !

Support retailers, shops, companies. Dont ask for help, GIVE HELP, PAY YOUR SH!T !

Always be friendly, piss nobody off, THEN IT PAYS OFF !

1989 I began with car audio. 18 years old, 1st car.

But already good knowledge and good equipment.

Alpine CD player and Amps. Frontsystem and so on.

During the education for toolmaker, car grewed up.

Had 4 15s in the back with 4000 Watts (remember, 1989).

Good Braun SQ Amplifiers, hell expensive, good frontstaging,

but no comparsion to today, no question. Almost earnings

went into it. Was worth 15000 Deutsch Marks (about 7300 Euros)

at the end in 1992. Then I had my accident. I almost was

as much destroyed like the car and the install. 49 fractures,

lost live, got reanimated 2 times, ONE YEAR HOSPITAL,

countless surgeries, pain without ends,

that opens the eye even on a 21 year old boy.

Long time for recover (walked with a cane until 2000,

some remmeber me at world finals 2000 in Nashville).

Still have problems today with the body, but its ok,

there are more people out there with bigger problems...

No reason to cry...

1990 I visited the first Car Shows here. They did

SQ and no SPL. If you believe it or not, I am coming

more from the SQ Scene :) But always took care of the

"Authentic" reproduction of Music. That includes Sound PRESSURE,

what can be felt when you listen to a bass drum and so on.

My favourite Music is Metal. From Metallica over Motorhead

to Cannibal Corpse and so on. Death Metal is great and demands

a good Hardware :) I also like Music like YELLO. Just no Charts

or popular stuff (only if its good, for me). I am not agnry

against somebody if he doesnt like my music, or litens to

other music. Everybody is different. Respect each others taste...

So I am also a founder of a german Sound Quality

Organisation called AYA. "Are You Authentic?".

Toegther with a group of people we raised that

almost out of nothing and had great success since then !

www.ayasound.de (just german yet, sorry, we work on that)

Ok, back to my "life" hehe. Got accident money from insurances 1999.

Was a looooooong and hard fight. Spent that for my "joy"

and used it as a kind of education money. Lost alot,

almost ALL at the Stock Market ! Was close to be a millionair !

SHIAT !!! Then had nothing in the pockets in 2000 and was close

to the ruin for the 2nd time in my life...

But next systems came, no matter what happened.

And new, big cars. Had a lot of fun and dont miss ONE CENT !

1996 startet education to become designer for products and grafics.

Still doing car audio for friends with big and expensive installs.

But no install was bigger than mine, hehehe.

1998 I got the dB Drag fever when it startet here.

Since then, every year I became german dB Drag champ.

Some years double titles, some years Euro titles.

Must be well over 30 national and international titles,

I lost the oversight, like you count your girlfriends

til a given point, then you have to rethink what all happened, hahaha.

And yes, sometimes I got 2nd or lower placings. Still had FUN !

Still did MY THING ! Fell in Love with Strokers and Zapco

in 1992 by the way. Other competitions came up.

I also participated successfully at SQ and other SPL

organisations. I always liked the mix, and the ability

of my cars to do well in BOTH WORLDS !

I must say the 2nd places will be more now, but again,

I dont care ! I choose to compete in a thing what is not

exactly what my cars are build for. But I am still doing great...

2000 the step into the world finals direction.

First having a look as visitor. 2001 I HAD THE VERY GOOD CHANCE

to becom world champ in SS1-2, but the freight company f*ed up

the car transport what I managaed and payed together with team BS.

So we were there in our empty pit stalls, payed almost

35000 Dollars for a transport what never reached his destination.

We took it like men...

But 4 years later we got it back, to tell it without drama :)

Next year we tried it again. For myself, it was dissappointing.

Owning 8 Zapco 9.0 and got screwed by some companies who

promised me quadcoil woofers. That WOULD HAVE BEEN THE 2nd

golden shot for the title, but no, I never got the woofers, and I

wanted to PAY THEM ! I dont mention the company, NO !

At the end I stood there with the same setup than 2001.

Got 10th place in qualyfing. Not even made brackets.

But it was my great sounding Ü2 car what was almost best

sounding car of the german SQ Finals 2002.

I have the knowledge of boing about 3 dB louder (I was one year

later with the desired setup). But you could you should you may...

I decided not to care and do my thing anyways, and I did...

2003 I tried to become top again with a new car.

But doing almost everything alone, carrying a car

for over 2.5 months over the sea when others can improve

their score, is difficult. At least I had top spot at finals in SS1-2

and had just 0,5 dB less than the winner. Undfortunately 4 others

were before me. Hard class. But I was there again.

2004, I brought 2 cars with the help of Sony Germany,

got 6th and 4th place and I am still the only one who

brought 2 cars over the sea, no matter what place.

First big Sponsoring was Sony in 2004. Unfortunately all earnings went into the

damn repair of my Ü2X car (black Station Wagon) and I lost money out of my pocket

during that two years. But as mentioned, I was able to do another world finals and ÜSA trip.

I enjoyed EVERY MINUTE in the states and dont care about placings !

At least I got my points thing, what, if you believe it or not, was harder than

building a car. The race against Terry was so exciting that we all had big

dscussions on TermPro Froum hehehe. Terry and I are best friends.

Will visit him again this year. So I got the points record in dB Drag

and the next year, with almost no opponent, I topped that

score by over 100 points. Officially its 801 points, but correct would

be the 825 points, bc. national finals count towards last season.

Other story... So I did it because I wanted to !

From 2006, there were some issues with one guy here in germany,

not his own fault, but also a little bit, what let me decide to drop

the points race thing. I want it fair for everybody. they decided not to

change their doings, so I stopped myself. Anyways, I still got 2nd

place world champ in points the last two years and the records,

LEGAL points records, still stand. Could have done 900+ points

in 2006, but not so...

So far, I have the most carreer points of all dB Draggers.

Does it make me rich? No ! It just came along :)

And maybe people, and companies, see, I take it serious !

Others take it serios with dBs, their way, great, I am ok with

being the nice guy from the 2nd place. But till today, I have more

1st than 2nd places. Over 500 competitions so far from 1992 in SQ and SPL

brought a lot of trophies. I am proud of them, know a story for EACH of em,

but they stand there and catch dust. Again, the flip side...

First competition car, the Ü2, was basically full paid

and managed by myself (after a short time being a kind of team car..different story).

But I got help from a lot of friends what I mentioned this time ! I never forget that !

This car is the one I became "famous". You can see it everywhere and it still exists.

This year I will have to throw it away. But I will make a big ceremony for my friend :)

It carried me around the world and was the main thing for me for a long time.

Got a lot of practice with it, and the building system, is still

the same from today, or even earlier in my "career".

My TERROR was also my thing. But it startet with more and more help.

Alsways remember I did a lot by myself. Showed up everywhere, not to become

"famous" but because it was fun to be there. First I cared about dbs.

But then I came back to basics and it turned into the "SQPL"

what I call "Sound Quality Pressure Level". Quality always before pressure !

But just Quality sucks, and just pressure also :)

Its just my way of live...

Never was reallly proud about this trailer thing, just proud about my


Between the "dB Drag Cars" I had others, daily drivers, fun cars, and so on.

Youll see them in other topics.

After the 2 years with Sony, what were WONDERFUL bc the Work with them

was so relaxed, so easy, that success came by itself, I was without

sponsor suddenly. I got a little, but not even costs out. So big minus

in 2006, Oh Boy...

Later that year, I got an offer what I had to think about.

I took it, and so the TÜRANN came with the new Sponsor ACR

(They have own brands and distribute others, like ZAPCO,

the brand I LOVE). This year was the first, and I hope we will

have a lot of more successful years coming. I do my best.

But also I am a freelancer and being able to do more promotion

for other companies also. At the moment its a full time job more than ever.

But I can do more, when conditions are right. Just have to do it, right, MY WAY !

And whenever is time, I try to help. Even with some words or pictures.

Believe me, I dont have just fans. There are always haters what try to bash me

or put me and my work down. But thats normal. At one point, you must handle that.

Maybe Steve knows what I am talk about. You cannot make the whole world happy.

But you can try. Some germans will be not amused that I write so much here,

and help so much here, bc I really dont have time most time of the year.

Dont even have time to answer the mails and must unfortunately deny

specific help. But here, I feel a kind of motivation due all the positive

feedback. And whenever you DONT like something, please tell me.

I may do it better, or still do it my way. Who knows, I got a lot of ideas

from other people in the past, have no problem with that. But I animated

and motivated others also. So its fair for everyone.

I dontpost in much forums. A few in German, and just one in English, TermPro.

Will continue that. But here I found a place what is worth to post sometimes.

More in the beginning, and less later when I shoot all munition out hehe.

I will open some Threads for my past projects.

How much projects will follow, I dont know.

Maybe the TÜRANN and the ACR Sponsoring is the

last big thing I do in Car Audio, or its the beginning

of something else. I dont know and I dont care.

I do it the best I can, and a bit more.

So its not my fault when it fails, haha !

During the years of visiting the states, writing in forums,

participating at every world final since 2000 and form 2001

as competitor, even just Bass Race, I meet so many good people

that I have so much friends in the states that I find one

almost every 300 miles, sometimes even closer!

That is totally crazy and I try to catch a lot of them this year.

So watch out and let me know if your on my track.

One lifedream of me will be a 6 month tour, fully paid, with

my competition vehicle through the states, and also Canada,

to participate at Events. No matter if dB Drag, Bass Race,

IASCA, USACi or whatever. And whatever place I will take.

I dont care. As long as I can have my ride and my joy.

Sure, it CAN bring attention to a sponsor, but companies

have to calculate sharp these days. And maybe just an image

increase is not worth the amount of money what it will cost.

But never say never. Even if it will stays a dream, at least

something to look forward to...

Ok, for the ones who are still awake, have some fun,

maybe with me, or with yourself.

And thanks again for the big welcome !

Look out for my trip in the TermPro Forum (I hope your not angry

Steve when I mention the TP Forum, if so, tell me).

But posting and have an oversight on two forums for my big trip

is not a good idea...

I just can say like Sinatra sings : I DID IT MYYYYYY WAAAYYYYY !!! :)

And in that way,

go your way !

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Michael !

Visit my site www.sqpl.de and find a lot of pics and vids.

Dig through the links, but they are german. Also infos about my

actual Project, the TÜRANN with my Main Sponsor ACR can be found there.

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But you may already know everything :)

PS.: You may noticed my errors in english, forgive me.

I got a lot better last years. Better than my previous

english teachers in school would have expect, lol...

Edited by The Big Oki


Michael tongue.gif

www.SQPL.de Rulez!

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Thanks John,

and I am looking forward for the last week

what I will spent with you. And thank here again officially !

Its not the first time that you and the MaXXsonics guys

welcome me. That is great !

And dont read my crap here, or I will not have

to tell you anything anymore haha.


Michael tongue.gif

www.SQPL.de Rulez!

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