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why people who don't know me, hate me. RANT.

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A few clips you gotta check out. Just let them hate though.

edit: Also got to admit i didn't know much about car audio till i was introduced to this site. Only messed with car audio in high school and a buddy at work old me about the guy steve meade and to look him up on you tube i got inspired.

OMG that was funny, i needed that. Thanks for posting hahah..."you need to worry about that duct-tape on your taillight" :rofl:

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you know what fuck the haters every one has people they dont know talk shit at one point in time especially if your successful at what you love to do.

So Steve keep your head up dont let those fuckers get you down and keep doing what doing.



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Dont worry Steve if you disappear we will recruit N8 and have him find you through cc purchases or something crazy that he is able to do LOL

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Dont worry Steve if you disappear we will recruit N8 and have him find you through cc purchases or something crazy that he is able to do LOL

I think N8 has an alcoholic breakfast on horseback every morning with the way he finds things

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I'm gonna hate

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I am getting so tired of this shit. I can go to any forum, lots of channels on YT, even my own.......FB and other sites, and see people talking shit. I see people all the time talking about how "i asked a simple question and steve blocked me, he is an asshole" and other things like that. Totally making themself look innocent. Then i pull up the log of what they said to me and its usually a Vial, HATE FILLED, asshole, dickhead or just plain rude ass comment. I might be guilty of responding back in kind, i can't help it depending on what is said. Then when i do that, i am an even bigger asshole so now the guys who talked major shit FIRST, hate me. Now they post on YT, FB or wherever else, that I was an asshole and they are just so innocent. Now all their friends, and anyone else reading it, hates me too.

Its fucking bullshit.

I give the last dollar in my pocket to anyone who needs it.

I give the shirt off my back to someone who is cold.

I feed people that are hungry.

i give 20's to bum's and don't talk about it online because its just what i do. (until now).

i am OK with people who don't like my ride, just don't be a fucking dick about it.

I give away my used, but EXPENSIVE amps to people just because (and have yet to get a thank you)

I buy amps from the store, make video's of them, and give them away (and didn't get a thank you)

I give 10's of thousands of dollars worth of stuff on SOTM away every year.

I share my massive audience with others who deserve the limelight.

I know for a fact i am a cool motherfucker...i laugh and have a GREAT time with anyone who is cool to me.

NOBODY is innocent. If i blocked you, you were a dick. No doubt about it.

Nothing bothered me more then that motherfucker JP going to his FB page and telling some asshole (that came crying to him about me) that "steve does all his fans like that"....when i read that, it was over for that guy.

this happens over and over again....i get no break from the shit talkers. One and ONLY one person i know of has ever met me and went home talking shit. Its that loser who owns that shop in Salinas. He came to my house for 4th of July, drank my Patron, laughed his ass off with all of us, and shook my hand on the way out. Then went home and instantly started talking shit online.

i get a bad rap but i NEVER EVER have done someone wrong, who didn't do me wrong first.

why am i ranting? because i am getting majorly tired of this crap. There is more but my hands hurt.

JEALOUSY is a reason why a lot of people act like this. You have made career out of something they wish they could do as a hobby.

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Steve, I'm gonna catch flack from people for posting this but it is meant for those that it can help, not those that look at good things with the eyes of a hater.

Many people that become famous bring with them emotional baggage. I'm not saying you have a problem, not at all. I'm just pointing out that some famous people have a hard time dealing with certain aspects of fame. (like how to deal with haters.) Look at the numbers of famous people that resort to drugs or commit suicide. But, some famous people seem to take it all in stride. There is a reason. They have found through a variety of sources how to handle their emotions so negative things don't bother them.

Here is what worked for me. Tony Robbins Personal Power II. He covers in detail how to deal with situations where we don't feel the way we want to feel and we don't do what we know we need to do. I was able to erase some past traumas and move forward easily. I started my own IT business etc. It changed my life. Just this last week my daughter thanked me for going through it with her about 7 years ago. She said it changed her life. Every so often someone will have problems and ask my advice. I don't always point them to Tony Robbins. Some people hate him and have told me so. I just ignore them. I know what they are missing from personal experience, they have no idea. He doesn't have all the answers but he tells you how to get them.

Sounds like I'm a salesman for TR but I have no interest in that. I just know it works and people that bad mouth him simply don't know what they are talking about and most certainly aren't getting what they want out of life.

I know this can help if you put aside any preconceived notions and give it a chance. It certainly can't hurt anything but it can change everything for the better.

Mike Whitenton

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no offense Mike, i appreciate your input....but if you haven't walked in my shoes, you can't possibly tell me how to react to the haters. I bet i can say a few things to you, to piss you off and make you want to come rip my head off. No doubt about it. I won't LOL, but i could. Now take me doing that (if i did) and times it by 10,000. Then you have what i deal with.

i don't do the "Tony robbins" thing, those late night infomercials are annoying as fuck.

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OH GOD here we go, look what this guy is now saying. Talk about some nerve.


what a dickhead....and so it continues.

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Again sorry for the salinas d bag :(

bro, its TOTALLY ok. From that, i learned what true friends are. You, Kimo, your beautiful families, are all my family in my eye's. We got through it and i never held it against you. I simply wasn't gonna fuck with that guy or anything having to do with him anymore, but i never held you guys accountable for it. Also, it didn't take long before you realized what i said was true. Most people that do one person wrong, will end up doing others wrong too and thats exactly what happened. Same thing for the first person i mentioned in the OP. Everyone who comes in contact with that guy says the same thing within 6 months.

we are all good though bro.

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