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More of Rob,... clamping.. he made 4 runs. 3 with music. (he has a song, that is peak for this car, again, this dude know exactly what is up) And 1 with a tone, at where that song peaks. And it was with .2 each time. This man, knows what he is doing.

. mmmmmmmmmm i was scared. To be truthfull...

Also showed that the DC amp quality, is there.........On the level for sure.

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One of like 6 ... retro fit level six's all ????? This, is the biggest driver i have seen.... to date....


2/0... Quit being a baby..


I have a pic, with a DC mid driver, with the killer AR surround..... such a pretty beast...

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Looks like a great time for sure!!

Now get back to work LOL.

It was. Met the coolest, people. Was everything we coulda asked for. Long ass ride, but,.. We would do it again tomorrow. Mmmmm, maybe tuesday. LOL. But,. for sure, we will be back. ;)

And dude ?!?!?! Can i take a night and look at the gear?!!?? .. I still havent even opened a box yet !!!.. Im serious.

We are still winding down, doing our bags, and starting laundry, i just got outta the shower, and Laura just got off line ordering a pie (pizza, dunno what you all call pizza. Its a pie to us)..

Also, we are having our drive way done,.. and of course it was suppose to be pour'd today.... and....... MMMMMmmm yeah.. its just a big ole dirt pile........ LOL. Fuck i dont care, Im just glad to be home, with my dog, (he stayed at the inlaws, bless them) and my wife, and everyone i know made it home (LeAndre, Scott) safe and sound.

Fuck,. you know me man, Mr negative, but fuck my face, for a second,.. Life is OK. Life is Ok.

Cheers !

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"Pie" works for me!!!!


Hair pie Ken????

Off topic/OFF thread

Our use to be drive way... WTF?!


Mmmm ya... pour'd my ass...... Fuck my face...


Awesome to come home to.. LOL

Gonna open a box or 4 here,... in like, minutes... promise... I gotta see my SUB amp... :twirl::twirl::twirl:

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Maybe someone needs to get the boot for the driveway Job!?? Lol

Tuned for pics

13 Kia Forte Build!

07 Hyundai Accent Build

***Super Seller***


And then he gets to say ok all you guys were right. im sorry for being a dummy poo poo head.


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Maybe someone needs to get the boot for the driveway Job!?? Lol

Tuned for pics

Yeah dude,.. Take what a contractor says, and double it. Kinda like buying PWX's.. LOL. Teasing all you that prepaid. Just teasing......

Yep, we are right now, making room to open some boxes. :djparty: :jump: :punani: :dance:

Cheerio,.. let do this.

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