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Love that voltmeter!

Well,.. Hello there. Thanks. I have 3 of them. B) 2 ill use for this build, and the one with Tony D's sig, is put away.

I see your quite new here. Thanks for stopping by. On the top right of the page click the "follow topic" button, and youll know of any movement on the build.

No worries if your not interested. There a many many other builds that are a lot more worthy for sure. Hell, i dont even follow my own.

But,.. cheers :drink40: and welcome to the best car audio forum on the planet. :twirl:

-Ive got one too, wish i could have got it signed, that would have been nice. Tonys a solid guy, super smart.

-Ill follow, why not :nuts:

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Glad to see your feeling a little better bro...and I hear ya on only focusing on doing one thing at a time and putting off "other" things that "can" be done...I'm the same way :pardon:

Anyways, those VU-dins make me jelly!

Carry on :drinks:

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Glad to see your feeling a little better bro...and I hear ya on only focusing on doing one thing at a time and putting off "other" things that "can" be done...I'm the same way :pardon:

Anyways, those VU-dins make me jelly!

Carry on :drinks:

Thanks man.. The crud is hanging around. Not cool. But, still, no way we are not going. (unless Laura gets it,. then, we are grounded, so far, so good)

And thanks man.

Well, Waiting for my alt belt, and needing wire, i thought about ripping the dash apart, and installing this deck. Anyone else with HANDS ON experiance with the 80prs?

I ordered and bought it around a month ago. And, its just been sitting there.. staring at me. Thought id check it out more. Maybe go over and put it in. We also have to pack for the trip tonight, soooo its kinda up to Laura.


Lots going on here. Did not know that... hmmmm





I may get my hi tech test bench and put power to it, and see the screen.


Also, my old solder iron that ive had, probably since most of you have been breathing, may need some help.

Picked up a new IRON for my Weller EC2002m.

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fuuuuuuuuuu, I want that 80prs sooooo badly!!!!! how do you like it???

Not in yet bro...... I guess ill be the one to really tell everyone how it performs. I know exactly how to use it. Ive seen a billion questions about it, and people struggling with using the active mode, and such. No worries here. Ill give a proper "HOW IS IT".

Anyway. Getting ready. Need to get some tools together......

My old faithful


Numb nut, checking everything out.


Got a new iron, and paid extra for the kung fu grip....



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