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woot getting closer to getting wall up with every update!!!!

looking good.

and i wan't to rape the like button of your last post :ninja:

and i wanna see it move :nuts:

Im trying bro. Im exhausted. And, i put in for friday..... so, im giving it hell.

Awesome! Keep staying busy I wanna see her dance!


That roof looks solid as a rock

Yes sir, and, wait till the first, and second layers of 3/4" birch are on... ;)

Nice work I bet that roof piece was a bitch!! Also you could write in to hustler with your descriptive skills lol I about choked on my tea!

LOL. Thanks. It was, but, it will be worth it mang !!.

Whats MMD?

My design team. They can pretty much help you with anything ya wanna do. Plug time !!.......


Go play around on the site.

Just got home, and changed into the work scrubs.... Cheerio,.. lets go do more...

Cheers all, and thanks for all the support from everyone, im trying to provide, i promise. Between paying bills, and this, im a lil on the slow side come mid of the week. But, im trying. See ya in a few.

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:popcorn: Funny how you're doing this all yourself, working a full time job and are moving as fast or faster than some of the other folks doing walls around here. Keep up the good work my friend!! Props for tackling this project on your own and doing well at it!! You win, and you know exactly what I'm talking about! :drink40: Cheers my friend, I'll text you when I get home and crack a cold one so we can cyber cheers!! Ok enough, get back to work! :detail:

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:popcorn: Funny how you're doing this all yourself, working a full time job and are moving as fast or faster than some of the other folks doing walls around here. Keep up the good work my friend!! Props for tackling this project on your own and doing well at it!! You win, and you know exactly what I'm talking about! :drink40: Cheers my friend, I'll text you when I get home and crack a cold one so we can cyber cheers!! Ok enough, get back to work! :detail:

Thanks man... I think i finally had a bit of enough,.... I did 2 hours of work, and went backwards. Im worried about sealing at the pillar, im worried the earth will spin off its axis. Laura just grabbed my hand, made me put down the drill driver, and walked me inside. (guess i was showing some frustration).

Im done. For tonight, im done. My hands are wrecked, and my brain is fried.

Thanks,... looking forward to the CYBER CHEERS. cuz, im ready.

I did take friday off, and, there is a meet saturday im suppose to go to, and, i just kaboshed the rooms, so i can just have 3 days of go hard. Hope i can move forward.

sorry about zero movement today.... in fact, i went backwards. But, im done.

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:popcorn: Funny how you're doing this all yourself, working a full time job and are moving as fast or faster than some of the other folks doing walls around here. Keep up the good work my friend!! Props for tackling this project on your own and doing well at it!! You win, and you know exactly what I'm talking about! :drink40: Cheers my friend, I'll text you when I get home and crack a cold one so we can cyber cheers!! Ok enough, get back to work! :detail:

Thanks man... I think i finally had a bit of enough,.... I did 2 hours of work, and went backwards. Im worried about sealing at the pillar, im worried the earth will spin off its axis. Laura just grabbed my hand, made me put down the drill driver, and walked me inside. (guess i was showing some frustration).

Im done. For tonight, im done. My hands are wrecked, and my brain is fried.

Thanks,... looking forward to the CYBER CHEERS. cuz, im ready.

I did take friday off, and, there is a meet saturday im suppose to go to, and, i just kaboshed the rooms, so i can just have 3 days of go hard. Hope i can move forward.

sorry about zero movement today.... in fact, i went backwards. But, im done.

Ok two things, first, be happy you have a wife that's visual enough to know when you're loosing your mind and has the wherewithal to grab you by the hand and say "drop the gun, and slowly walk away"! Not all of us have that luxury! Some of us get to the throwing the $100-200 drill across the garage until we say ok I have to back off and walk away. SO be thankful for that.

Second, STOP OVER THINKING THIS MAN!!! Really. Stop! Enjoy what you're doing, if it starts getting too tough, crack a beer step back and think about something else until you get your mind right. It's a hobby, it's supposed to be fun, and the moment you take the fun and replace it with frustration, you're going to drive yourself crazy!

Anyway buddy, good luck with it, and hit me up if you need some help or to be talked off the ledge! LOL You got this!

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Building a wall is rough especially by yourself, I mean it's a ton if work....


Santa Cruz Speaker Box

Build logs:

Daily Driver Lemon Marquis

2 american bass 750.1s

350.4 on 14 focal 6.5s

sq 945 on 4 hertz tweeters

Mystery subs peepwall.gif


The Mustang 'dubbed' Shirley the project from bullet holes to badass


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Thanks guys..... Much thanks.

Got off work today,.. only put in 11 hours on site. Said to hell with it, and booked home.

I hit home depot, and returned a shit ton of stuff i wasnt using. And bought more shit. Anyway, this was one of the best days of work yet..... im happy.

Before the bottom (the proper bottom) of the enclosure was laid, i though i best get some cables back there...

4 pair of dual twist RF RCA's. Some bad ass home boy made RCA's,... 3 remote wires, and 4 seperate duals, and 2 seperate triple cased wires... JUST IN CASE i need any runs of anything.



Back to stock


Ran some of my personal RCA's.. And kept them seperate... THANKS MAN.. you know who ya are. I love the sleeve color. As custom as you get. Let me know if you want a pair/set made for you.



Back to the depot..


Getting a array of shit.... of course.. which is more than fine......


Lets lay the bottom...... minus the wall size on the sides...

Close enought for the ladies i ride with....


CHEERS MAN !!!!!.. mark this post!!!!.... .lol. Makes me wonder a year from now.. Cant wait to look back... Love ya man...


More coming.. fools..

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puttin in work Kyle!

2002 Honda CR-V
Alpine 9887

My Build


Second Skin Damp
4 DC XL 15's
2 DC 5ks
Singer 320 amp
6 cap banks
Sky High wire
2 VM-1's

all under window line

Team DC Audio

Obama has a law he's trying to pass right now, trying to ban Leo for being a threat to children everywhere.

EDIT: Not in a JP kind of way.

I thought I was going to die from all the jizz filling my ears.

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