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I HAVE A 7811 that wont send, its been sitting for a couple hours now...

BTW...... Congrats on 1 million points!

Thank you sir!

Im taking my machine off for a little while to game it up, downloaded assasians creed black flag finally from my bundle with the card. prob will hate it and go play bf4. LOL



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5mil tonight :drinks: wtg!

When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.
~Henry David Thoreau

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I cant get the web control to connect to the client. It keeps timing out. It is running on my computer, says I have done 13k, but it wont register in the stats and wont connect for some reason. I disabled my firewall and security to see if that was the problem, but it still isnt connecting.

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I cant get the web control to connect to the client. It keeps timing out. It is running on my computer, says I have done 13k, but it wont register in the stats and wont connect for some reason. I disabled my firewall and security to see if that was the problem, but it still isnt connecting.

I have had this issue on Server 2008 (sometimes), Server 2012, and windows 8 and 8.1.

Use the advanced Control option.

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I'm a little late but figured better late than never and decided to go ahead join the folding team even if it's just a little bit :D

little bit can surprise you, I actually leave mine on "light" but let it run 24/7, and I moved from bottom to 6th place in like 2 weeks lol.

I'd have even more if I remembered to switch it to manual when I leave, but I never do. I'm only doing 3k-5k ppd LOL, sometimes it must fluctuate but that's always what I see.

Biomedical/Behavioral Science Major, The (Self-Proclaimed) Undisputed-Homemade-Woofer-King

Super-Neodymium-Woofer Build Log: The D4BA-V.2 http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/169236-diy-super-neodymium-woofer-build-log/?p=2475620

Fucking love Alan you goddamned fucking super nerd lol

When Alan uses big words I don't understand

It's warming up enough that the donut-punching cyclist douchenozzles are getting their two wheeled fagmobiles out.

Everytime I see a guy driving a mini cooper I cant help but think he loves cock & (2/29/16)-My wife just bitched at me about throwing out things we don't really use. My response of well we don't really use your vagina so should we throw that out was evidently not the right response. I had to leave the room.

I missed Alan.

RIP 5/29/15 - I love you son.

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You still get what you pay for, cheaper is not always better.

Like ive said before in this thread, almost every cpu was always amd for me, as for their cards I havent used one in a long time and their drivers just drove me nuts.

I also know there is a huge issue for crossfire users running single and triple monitor setups and their frame rates while gaming have a very little improvement over 1 card, this has been and issue for a long time now, and still is not fixed like it should be, sure it got better with in the last month, but still no where near what it should be. Nvidia wouldn't of been pussy footing around this issue for that long, it would of been fixed ASAP

So 2 amd cards in crossfire maybe faster and crunch more numbers then a single nvidia card that is brand new, and the top dog single gpu card. Congrats?

Then someone just buys a 2nd 780ti and those outdated amd cards are being whooped again :D

Sure Nvidia cards are outrageously expensive, and honestly overpriced for what your getting in return.

However people pay these prices and continue to pay them happily and honorably because it is the best of the best anytime nvidia releases a top dog card.

Part of nvidias price reasons are due to amd not being able to engineer and release a competitive card with in an average lifespan for pc hardware before it goes out of date.

Nvidia has no real competition in this market, and if amd dont step up to the plate and start getting serious in their video cards they will keep being a step behind nvidia releasing their cards new cards a year after nvidia has and still only barley being able to beat the said nvidia card. 1 years time is huge for them to come up with something bigger, better, faster, but nope they still cant do it, they are just shooting to beat nvidias 1year old outdated card by a few fps.

Perfect example is AMD's 290x that was finally released almost a year after the GTX780, and it barley beats it in gaming performance and according to anandtechs numbers the gtx780 crushes the 290x for folding.

I hate to break it, but the GTX titan was to be released over a year and a half ago as the GTX680. Thats how old that their technology is, the current 780 and Ti cards would of been released as something around 760ti and 770s.

Nvidia already has beastly cards made and bulking up in the warehouses for 2014s 800 series cards that will be released in a matter of a few months which is usually when they release new model cards, which will usually result in current cards prices being dropped except on things like the dual GPU cards like the 690s, and 790s if they even get released this year.

Again this is all due to no competition from another brand such as amd, and if AMD would step up to that plate finally, then nvidia prices will drop or lose out on consumers purchasing their cards, but until then supply and demand is a bitch, and when people are willing to pay $699-999 for that top dog card those prices wont be lowered any time soon.

The even sadder thing is that all online retailers did huge price cuts on the amd 7990 dual gpu card due to the hype that was out about the 290x being the titan killer, but it was a flop as I see it, and now 7970 prices are back up as high or higher then before there was any news of their new cards.

Whatever kind of cards you do end up buying, even if you get 2 of the old amd 7970 cards it wont bug me one bit just because I and anyone else that follows this stuff regularly that owns a 780ti knows it took you 2 cards that cost $600 to beat a $730 card

These things are all facts, not myths or opinions.

When scaling cards from 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 you dont always get a double, triple, or quadruple return on what the cards are capable of.

So if 1 card does 2000ppd, most assume you would do 4000 ppd, and a third putting you at 6000ppd, and a 4th doing 8000ppd.

Not really how it works

Your numbers will more like be 2000, 3500,4500, and that 4th card would be so low that your just wasting money at lets say 5200ppd.

Now this is how it at least works in SLI and Crossfire for regular performance in things like games, now if its the same for folding@home Im not sure since Im new to this.

But even if it does double, triple ppd it still dont matter unless you are just using that computer strictly for Folding, and you dont plan to any web browsing, editing, gaming because for those uses you will be spending extra money for little return on said performance, since your biggest gain of performance to dollar is going from 1 card to 2 cards, after that its getting questionable on if the money is worth the improvement for gaming. Unlessss you just dont care and want to be spending money just to have 4 cards for bragging rights, but if thats the case why buy out dated card that are not even the best in the series.

I agree with most of this, but Nvidia also goes through stages where nothing really increases. Take a look at the 470 and the 570. The benchmarks are so close it didn't make sense to upgrade, when they came out, I actually called them out on it on their FB page, asking why I should upgrade. The 570 runs way cooler and uses less power.

Alright, cool, that makes sense, but I'm still not going to buy a 380$ card, when the 470 I have beats it, and I already paid for this PSU to run said card. Especially since it doesn't even run full power unless I'm gaming.

As for folding and number crunching, I've heard from several blueteam and redteam members that the ATI GPU's do better with cracking and overall number crunching than Nvidia. Again, that's hearsay, and I have no data to actually back that up.

I stuck with my 470 because I could get another 470 for 110$, and bench about the same as a 680. Does the 680 use 4 times as much power? Yes. Did it make more sense to get that instead of upgrading my motherboard to actually do SLI? Probably. Does it look cooler having two cards in SLI? Fuck yes. All in all, it still cost me less to do the SLI 470 rather than get a 680. A hell of a lot less than a 780. I have a friend trying to sell me a Titan right now for 700. I really want it, but I just don't spend enough time using it to justify the 700$.

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Computers got so expensive so quick that I had to move on in hobbies...and I chose this...just as expensive. Now I'm torn between the two of them... Custom built subs and alts+charging systems, just everything in general. It's just SO DAMN expensive, but atleast audio can stay the same for awhile without being considered old and underpowered.

PC's on the other hand...I'm what seems like 8 generations back... but I'm only 3 in the CPU department, and 4 or 5 in the video card game. Still, my pc plays anything I want it to just fine. No need to upgrade...yet :)

On 1/4/2013 at 9:31 PM, HatersGonnaHate said:

Wow. 184 posts and I think you're a fucking asshole.


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Cant get the graphics card on my desktop to actually do anything, it just keeps saying ready, but wont actually do anything, it had a project going, but stayed at 0% and nopw nothing is connected to it. I also still cant get the web control to connect to my desktop, its working just fine on laptop, the stats for me are jsut form the laptop, its not counting anything from the desktop. I am nCOMP1337 btw in the rankings. Id change my SMD username to that but I dont know how or if you can, LOL.

I tried shutting off all security software, firewall, etc. and nothing seems to be stopping it from connecting, yet it just wont, lol

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