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The reason i wait to hear facts before i judge.....or decide to burn my own city down and loot.

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i just read this whole thread, and all i can say is it brings me down! i don't really know anyone on this forum personally,and i read way more stuff than i post, just to gain audio knowledge. but i must say that reading all these comments i kinda get a feel for who everyone is,and how they think.im not taking sides because i only believe in whats right,and we don't know that right now.this is just plain sad,we are definitely not who we thought we were as a nation,but i already knew that.the best thing a person can do is educate and better themselves,and the rest will follow.

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i just read this whole thread, and all i can say is it brings me down! i don't really know anyone on this forum personally,and i read way more stuff than i post, just to gain audio knowledge. but i must say that reading all these comments i kinda get a feel for who everyone is,and how they think.im not taking sides because i only believe in whats right,and we don't know that right now.this is just plain sad,we are definitely not who we thought we were as a nation,but i already knew that.the best thing a person can do is educate and better themselves,and the rest will follow.

dont know if its meant with what i post but i did say ghetto people.. we have ghetto Mexicans ghetto Blacks and even Whites.. what gets you shot is your actions not you color.. seen many races get shot by cops.. people need to stop feeling victimized and saying it because its the color of the skin. sometimes it may be but not always the case? when have you heard people being killed by cops in the Good cities where people act responsible? only ones i heard are the ones who are in an act of a crime.. im Hispanic and i dont feel victimized by the cops or burn down my city because Sgt. Smith killed my neighbor. doing such act is taking a step back. people need to use their heads and act like humans and not like criminals.. people wont take you serious and its only making your race look bad.. again, im not talking race specific just in general.. you think i was involved in the protest Mexicans had a month ago and burning the US flag? no i was not. i didn't want part of it as it only makes us look bad as a community.. i refuse to take steps back and we need to make a change by proving we are civilized as a nation

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i just read this whole thread, and all i can say is it brings me down! i don't really know anyone on this forum personally,and i read way more stuff than i post, just to gain audio knowledge. but i must say that reading all these comments i kinda get a feel for who everyone is,and how they think.im not taking sides because i only believe in whats right,and we don't know that right now.this is just plain sad,we are definitely not who we thought we were as a nation,but i already knew that.the best thing a person can do is educate and better themselves,and the rest will follow.

dont know if its meant with what i post but i did say ghetto people.. we have ghetto Mexicans ghetto Blacks and even Whites.. what gets you shot is your actions not you color.. seen many races get shot by cops.. people need to stop feeling victimized and saying it because its the color of the skin. sometimes it may be but not always the case? when have you heard people being killed by cops in the Good cities where people act responsible? only ones i heard are the ones who are in an act of a crime.. im Hispanic and i dont feel victimized by the cops or burn down my city because Sgt. Smith killed my neighbor. doing such act is taking a step back. people need to use their heads and act like humans and not like criminals.. people wont take you serious and its only making your race look bad.. again, im not talking race specific just in general.. you think i was involved in the protest Mexicans had a month ago and burning the US flag? no i was not. i didn't want part of it as it only makes us look bad as a community.. i refuse to take steps back and we need to make a change by proving we are civilized as a nation

I'm just saying that its a complex topic, and people are gonna feel how they feel. i didn't riot in cincinnati when a kid was shot ,cause his pants was sagging and the officer thought he had a gun when he was holding his pants up,while running away! i thought he shoulda wore pants that fit,and not run!but it wasn't about your post or any other post,its just sad period! I'm black, and i don't hate anyone.i just appreciate good people when i meet them,and most on this forum seem cool.

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i just read this whole thread, and all i can say is it brings me down! i don't really know anyone on this forum personally,and i read way more stuff than i post, just to gain audio knowledge. but i must say that reading all these comments i kinda get a feel for who everyone is,and how they think.im not taking sides because i only believe in whats right,and we don't know that right now.this is just plain sad,we are definitely not who we thought we were as a nation,but i already knew that.the best thing a person can do is educate and better themselves,and the rest will follow.

dont know if its meant with what i post but i did say ghetto people.. we have ghetto Mexicans ghetto Blacks and even Whites.. what gets you shot is your actions not you color.. seen many races get shot by cops.. people need to stop feeling victimized and saying it because its the color of the skin. sometimes it may be but not always the case? when have you heard people being killed by cops in the Good cities where people act responsible? only ones i heard are the ones who are in an act of a crime.. im Hispanic and i dont feel victimized by the cops or burn down my city because Sgt. Smith killed my neighbor. doing such act is taking a step back. people need to use their heads and act like humans and not like criminals.. people wont take you serious and its only making your race look bad.. again, im not talking race specific just in general.. you think i was involved in the protest Mexicans had a month ago and burning the US flag? no i was not. i didn't want part of it as it only makes us look bad as a community.. i refuse to take steps back and we need to make a change by proving we are civilized as a nation

It seemed like you were focused on black people in the ghetto.

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I don't think it's harder living the righteous life. Actually it's easier. I don't worry about being robbed jumped or shot. I get GUARANTEED money every 15th and 30th, my kids are hella suburban and don't know shit about missing meals. Yep, living right is way easier bro.

Well we may disagree their slightly, in my opinion, it's much harder working that 9-5 job for a small paycheck,insurance, house payments, utilities and worrying about various other bills, feeding and clothing the kids and such. Plus have to protect and worry about someone taking your shit. Not that easy when you think about it. Majority of hard working americans make just enough to get buy on.

You should know if your a parent, trying to make your kids understand the right way of living. When they see thugs and criminals not working, selling drugs and such, with a boat load of cash. new cars, gold dripping of there chains etc.

I hear you, but I grew up poor and now I got a little something none of that shit is a worry for me. As far as my kids, there is basically nothing illegal they can get past me and they are actually really good so, like I said I don't worry about those things.

I hear ya, we grew up poor, dirt poor in an all black neighborhood till i was 15, and moved to an average diverse neighborhood. My father was shot while a liquor store was being robbed, a group of people ran out and two where shot, mistaken by a black rookie officer. My father was shot in the back of the neck, severing his jugular vein artery. Then falling on a old style short picketed fence, which pierced his chest. But they said he died from the gunshot wound. And the officer was not prosecuted, they called it an accidental shooting.

No am i angry and bitter about this, hell yea. But that does not give me the right to hate blacks or police officers. There is good and bad in all walks of life. And just because we may be poor and bitter, is no justification, to go out and take from others or commit crimes.

It is our past and our common sense which shapes our lives. And though i may have had it ruff as a youth, it is those things that helped me to strive forward so my children would not have to grow up in these situations.

And yes i know bad things happen in all neighborhoods, but they are less likely to happen in a responseable neighborhood. Now my youngest daughter is still very angry and in therapy from her fiance was killed 2 yrs ago, by a gang banger shooting up the neighborhood, just because he and his group of friends where not allowed into a new years party. But even she knows, you can not judge a group, by an individuals action.

Well, I'm gonna be honest and maybe I'm wrong but I don't think you like black people. I'm not here to defend any race since at the end of the day I am more spanish than anything. But I'm sure the people in your neighborhood wouldn't allow you to hangout on the corner. Where I'm from, that's where the party is. If you did grow up in a bad black neighborhood you should be able to tell the difference between a wanna be thug and a real killer. Real killers aren't posting on social media. Whether or not your telling the truth about your past, it seems like you have an answer to everything and there's nothing for you to learn from another human.

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i can't wait for these dumb ass motherfuckers to wake up one day in the next few weeks hungry, thirsty and in need of basic goods such as toilet paper......and realize there is no stores. Eat a leaf, shit a leaf, wipe with a leaf. Even the dumbest dog is smart enough not to shit in his own kennel.

I hope they never reopen those stores. If i owned a business there i wouldn't. Let them get a ride 50 miles to the nearest 7-11. And don't tell me it was all outsiders. I saw the video's. Might be a few but, no doubt it was 99% locals. They don't care about that kid, they just want to do what they do best...act like mindless thugs and opportunistic THIEVES. Enjoy your tore up city.

and we STILL don't know whether or not he actually attacked the officer first. I am still waiting to see myself. Regardless, why can't everyone be upset that ANY PERSON got killed by the police (if he was in fact innocent)? Why does EVERY fucking thing have to be about race? Reading some of the asinine comments on the internet about this situation makes me sick.

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shooting your way into a store with 100 other savages and laughing having a good time destroying and steeling everything in sight is really a great way to grieve. Sorry, i just hate thieves so much. I also hate race-baiters.

the situation is just sickening.

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i can't wait for these dumb ass motherfuckers to wake up one day in the next few weeks hungry, thirsty and in need of basic goods such as toilet paper......and realize there is no stores. Eat a leaf, shit a leaf, wipe with a leaf. Even the dumbest dog is smart enough not to shit in his own kennel.

I hope they never reopen those stores. If i owned a business there i wouldn't. Let them get a ride 50 miles to the nearest 7-11. And don't tell me it was all outsiders. I saw the video's. Might be a few but, no doubt it was 99% locals. They don't care about that kid, they just want to do what they do best...act like mindless thugs and opportunistic THIEVES. Enjoy your tore up city.

and we STILL don't know whether or not he actually attacked the officer first. I am still waiting to see myself. Regardless, why can't everyone be upset that ANY PERSON got killed by the police (if he was in fact innocent)? Why does EVERY fucking thing have to be about race? Reading some of the asinine comments on the internet about this situation makes me sick.


Fucking A, shitty people come in all varieties, why not focus on how fucked the situation is and how it's being handled so poorly.

Seriously, MRAPs, LRAD, and tear gas because jackasses who must not have a damn job to go to want to go out and fuck shit up and see what they can get with a 5 finger discount.

Watched about 10 minutes of the live feed last night and shut it off, people just milling around in the road talking shit at the cops, and cops then making a wall and forcing everyone off the road and back onto the sidewalk.

Then come to find out more shots fired last night and 2 guns confiscated from the tards doing it.



Some of the tweets/retweets/whatever to this just.... Suicide.gif

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Just thought I'd throw this out there:

I come from a multiracial family, in more ways than one. My brother and I are both adopted from separate families. We grew up like any brothers do, busting each other's balls and giving our parents Hell, but I love the little shit like he's my blood. I was 5 when he came home for the first time, been there for most of his life, he had his first beer with me and my friends that took him in like THEIR little brother. I'm caucasian, German/Irish/Cherokee, but fairly dark skinned and have been mistaken for being hispanic/middleeastern/all kinds of shit if I spend a bit of time out in the sun due to how dark I get. My younger brother is hispanic. Both my parents are VERY light skinned. You should see the surprise on people's faces when my parents claim us.

My brother grew up in a good neighborhood, largely stayed out of trouble, never had any dealings with officers mistreating him or hassling him because of his race. You can rest assured if anything like that had happened, my father and I would've circled the wagons and gone to war, that's just how my family is. Race is not, and never was an issue in my family. Maybe we're more open minded than most, maybe it's how my father raised us.

When you see me comment on race, understand where I'm coming from. I, by definition, can't be a racist. To discriminate against someone because of their race would earn me a swift kick in the ass from my father, and probably my younger brother as well, but mostly I'd just be ashamed of myself. It's not who I am. Quite to the contrary, I expect everyone to work for what they have, and take responsibility for their actions. It is because I'M NOT a racist, that I do not give any race or class of people any slack when they act like the people in Ferguson do. Slavery, discrimination, race, all that shit is a crutch to excuse their actions. If I allow someone that excuse, I'm doing it because of their race, and THAT is racism in my eyes.

Everyone just keep in mind that racism works both ways. If someone cut me a break because I was white, even if I profitted from it, I'd still be insulted. I want to stand toe to toe with everone else and suceed because I'm better/harder working/smarter, not because I'm white. Likewise, I want people of every race to suceed because of who they are, not because of what color they are.

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2015 Toyota Tacoma Build Thread

2007 Mazda 3; 5000K HID's, Kenwood Excelon KDC-X997, Infinity Reference 6.5 comps in front and coaxials in the rear doors, JL 320.4 four channel, Rab Designs built ported enclosure with an SA12, Kenwood monoblock, Redline Leater shift boot/e-brake boot/center console cover, JBR short shifter/shifter bushings/rear motor mount.

Build Thread


1996 Mazda Miata: Kenwood Excelon HU, Alpine speaker in the doors, Clearwater (miata specific) headrest speakers. 


1994 Mazda Protege: Kenwood Excelon HU, Infinity Reference 2 ways all around, 2x RF Punch 10's in ported boxes. 

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