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The reason i wait to hear facts before i judge.....or decide to burn my own city down and loot.

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Fractured orbital socket seems like something that would need immediate doctor attention.

and I didn't say no other news stations don't lie. They all do. I don't trust anything I see on the news besides sports scores

Fox News loves to lie. From editing Obama's speech to make it seem like he was choosing sides in the Ferguson mishaps, to saying democrats wanted to impeach Obama. Buncha bullshit

I posted the following in another section, and it seemed fitting to include here.

In 2013 there were 100 black men killed in various situations by law enforcement.

There were 5,000 black on black murders, but does the black community want to discuss that, or protest over their young men," no ". Because it doesn't fit the race baiting scenario, that those who make living from, or the nut bag activist.

Before anyone jumps down my throat and want's to dispute my claims. These figures were discussed in the last few days, by both Jason Riley, And Doc. Ben Carson.

ACTUALLY... There ARE LEADERS who FIGHT to END black on black violence! Just because you don't see it on the news doesn't mean its not happening...! And my church participates in the community FAITHFULLY to fight against this violence along with helping other people who are in need. And besides that, there are PLENTY of different organizations doing the samething! Don't be so ignorant

OrionStang said it best.. Its all an agenda!

And no I'm not refering to that OPPORTUNIST Al Sharpton when I make these claims!!!

Focus- I will say one thing on fox news behalf, name any other cable syndicated news agency, that allows both sides to prevent their views. A lot of people hate fox because they are one of the view who are not afraid to get your face and ask serious questions. And your starting to sound like a liberal left wing activist with selective hearing, you only here what you want to hear. It is fox who exposes these stories and lies long before anyone else. They are the ones who expose others for the editing, I'm not going to argue with you, because you sound like some of those protestors. No matter what facts come out, or the use of rationality, your only going to hear things, one sided. And if you watch Obama's speeches live, their is no need to edit his useless chatter, unless your a dem, never paints a good pic for the left.

Woods- you call me ignorant yest you did not disprove my statement. Happy for you that it may be discussed in church, or what not.

As far as leaders go, i gave you probably the two most intelligent and reasonable men there is . (Jason Riley and Doc. Ben Carson) But the majority of the black community doesnt want to listen to them, only to call them uncle tom's and race traitors. Because they don't advocate all the violence and excuses.

Like i said there is no large out cry and drawn on long lengthy protest's. Say what you will, you dont see the outrage from the black community over black on black crime,

So take your one sided views and nonsense elsewhere, That is the main problem today, people are scared to come out speak the truth about what is really going, because it will be deemed not politically correct. And believe me if there was a huge outcry and protest about the black on black crime, the media would love to jump on it, hell it would be the story of the century.

Why are you obsessed with the black community and the lack of focus on black on black killing. I ten to just read on this site and try to learn but some of your posts are really annoying to read. What makes you think that black people and their communities don't care about black on black crime? This is a completely false statement/idea. There are idiots in the community like the idiots that loot in these situations that do the killing. They are afraid to take out their anger on anyone but there own because they can get away with it. I "think" the reason why is cause the police don't care as much. If these actions are taken in a rich; better; white; upper class, etc. neighborhood then action will be taken swiftly. There are some really big differences in rich vs poor neighborhoods. I see these differences daily. Your feelings on this don't matter. There is one truth and you don't know it. If you are trying to get black people to think, then you need to take a different route. If you are trying to appeal to people who think similarly then I suppose that you can keep doing what you are doing.

BTW I haven't kept up with this due to being disgusted by a lot of it but I hope the looting stops, the idiots looting are locked up. the family of Brown get some closure and that the town can rebuild and put this behind them in the next few years.

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Last thing I wanna say is that all police are not bad but I hate 99% of them due to the things that I have seen during our riots, during my life

For the sake of discussion, what would you call it if someone were to say the same thing but substitute "blacks" for police?

I'll rephrase; 99% of the police that I have dealt with. I honestly do not believe that all police are bad. To answer your direct question "I would think that they were raised a certain way and stuck in their ways". I'm with Meade or whoever said that they don't hate all police and will need them. One day I may need the police again and hope that they are there to help me. Even in those situations I will not feel completely safe as I have been threatened and felt unsafe when I have called the police to help me. I have felt threatened and had guns pulled on me for traffic stops. I guess in certain situations I do not trust certain police officers and I will say that I don't have much faith at all in the justice system.

Just cause I'm thinking I will say this: I am black and I think I sort of have the thug look down. It's just the way that I look. I think I look nice and happy most of the time but I'm told that I look like a thug. IDK. I'm a pretty big guy, 6'2" 280 lbs, and a pretty solid build. I have braided hair also. Would you believe that I am in the IT field? Looks don't mean much of nothing. I am a bit geeky at times although I did grow up in the hood. I just have my own mind and strive for more. This also gives me a better understanding than most people posting here about what goes on in these neighborhoods and the mentality of the people here. This is not to say I'm an expert but some peoples opinions on this site are just for attention and for their egos. It's easy to talk about what you would do but if you were in the situation things would be different. If you grew up in a slightly different way then a lot could be different. I don't think that anyone could say what they would actually do if they were truly in the place of the people actually going through this tragedy. Tragedy meaning the shooting, violence, and the looting.

Hope this all makes sense. It's hard to type at work and when you have things on your mind. Sorry if everything's jumbled together.

Lol, you probably look like the image people have when reading my background

Ha lol I'll have to read it.

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After watching this video a day or two after everything blew up, it makes a lot more sense to me what is going on:

The issue is a lot more complex... I mean, if you think about it. Why are they looting? People that make enough money to afford cost of living and maybe a few toys for hobbies they have don't really see the value in taking a chance of stealing and know the reprocussions of doing so. The reprocussions being that it damages someone elses source of making a living and face jail time if caught.

I mean... If you look up things like average household income by race, you see how big the gap is:


Second Source:


Racism is still alive and well... In 2010, Wake County, North Carolina they segregated the public schools through income, which affected the majority of one race. Ensuring a cut rate level of education for those people. Designed to keep one at a certain level.

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Wikipedia as a source? Come on, man.

I personally know many black men(sorry ladies LOL) who are doing quite well financially. Why? Because they decided to. There is no plot to keep any one race at a certain level.

Sure, stats are stats, but anybody from anywhere of any race can be successful if they try. These fuckers looting and stealing don't want to try, they want free shit.

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SMD Super Seller

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I work in a field where i get a split sec to make a decision that lasts a lifetime and people get all the time in the world to review it and 2nd guess me.

would of been should of been could of been. Your welcome for doing my part to keep us safe.

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Rolex you sicken me.


Just let me finish my pie

~ Juice

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What is wrong with Wikipedia? They linked their sources... 54 of them.

By the way... not saying the actions are justified in any way... just saying this whole situation isn't clean cut, it takes some extra research to understand what is going on.

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What is wrong with Wikipedia? They linked their sources... 54 of them.

By the way... not saying the actions are justified in any way... just saying this whole situation isn't clean cut, it takes some extra research to understand what is going on.

The "situation" may not be clear cut, but the looting and rioting part is. These fuckers see a "reason" to riot, and use it to justify stealing stuff and damaging property. And its not because they are being held back by The Man.

Edited by OrionStang
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SMD Super Seller

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You are missing my point. You may see the claim of "the man" taking them down as a ridiculous claim, even laughable. But there are a lot of facts that show otherwise. They lack the intellect and understanding of why being opportunistic in a situation like this is not beneficial in the long run. There are many factors involved... education being one of them. Families can't afford home schooling when they scrape by to afford food on the table... which leads to parents working over 40 hours a week, allowing less time for them to raise their children and put more of the load onto the public school system. Then you have cut rate education due to most of the area living on the edge of poverty. It's a crappy cycle and we could break it if our government would of invested in our own, rather than throw trillions into countries across the world and see it go down the drain, like what is happening in Iraq right now.

Edited by RainStryke
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You are missing my point. You may see the claim of "the man" taking them down as a ridiculous claim, even laughable. But there are a lot of facts that show otherwise. They lack the intellect and understanding of why being opportunistic in a situation like this is not beneficial in the long run. There are many factors involved... education being one of them. Families can't afford home schooling when they scrape by to afford food on the table... which leads to parents working over 40 hours a week, allowing less time for them to raise their children and put more of the load onto the public school system. Then you have cut rate education due to most of the area living on the edge of poverty. It's a crappy cycle and we could break it if our government would of invested in our own, rather than throw trillions into countries across the world and see it go down the drain, like what is happening in Iraq right now.

Socialism is the religion of victims and you sound like one of it's priests. How is it that the MAJORITY of a population is still the victim of oppression somehow? It's seriously time for someone to take some fucking personal responsibility here.

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Has anyone ever been propositioned by a 11 year old kid trying to sell you some bud while your walking into a shopping mall during school hours in the middle of winter?

Its something that blew my mind when it happened to me.

But I guess it was due to the lack of schooling and the lack of parenting because his parents are at work!!
The more realistic explanation would have most likely been he was told or forced to sell this by his parant(s).



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