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Running a PC 24/7 ???

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Ok, first of all, it does not hurt your hard drive. It puts more hours on it, yes, but hurting it? Come on. I've been building computers for over ten years, I run all of mine 24/7. The only time I've had to replace a hard drive is to upgrade. I still have a hard drive from 1999 that runs perfect.

Also, don't forget, most computers have a setting where if your hard drive is idle, it'll disengage the arms and heads, essentially turning the hard drive off until it needs to be used again. So even if you run your computer 24/7, it's highly unlikely that your hard drive will be hurt by this.

One other thing, turning your computer off and on increases the risk of static discharge and hardware damage.

*your mom* <- your mom is my signature! daaaaaaang!

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Damn ! It looks like an overwhelming vote here for > Leave it on 24/7 < ...which is cool for me, as that's what I'm used to anyway.

Thanks for all the input.



Ok, first of all, it does not hurt your hard drive. It puts more hours on it, yes, but hurting it? Come on. I've been building computers for over ten years, I run all of mine 24/7. The only time I've had to replace a hard drive is to upgrade. I still have a hard drive from 1999 that runs perfect.

Also, don't forget, most computers have a setting where if your hard drive is idle, it'll disengage the arms and heads, essentially turning the hard drive off until it needs to be used again. So even if you run your computer 24/7, it's highly unlikely that your hard drive will be hurt by this.

One other thing, turning your computer off and on increases the risk of static discharge and hardware damage.

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mines on all day, unless im sleeping or not gonna be using it for several hours (brothers dad is a douche, and thinks that it uses too much electricity)

he used to make us turn them off everytime we were done with em till dinner was over... and then i proved that turining it on/off constantly uses more electricity.

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I have been a computer tech for 6 years and worked computers for @10 years before that.

My company keeps all of the computers stay on 24/7 and some units are still running DOS programs that make the HDDs churn like mad virtually non-stop. Many of these computers are 10+ years old!

Like bobonit said, Heat is the enemy. HDDs are sealed, so dust can't get into them, but if the inside of the unit gets dusty then airflow will be restricted which will build heat. So.... overbuild your computer, never overclock it, run big heat sinks and keep the voltage up and air flowing and it will run until you are ready for something newer. -Kinda' like audio isn't it? :)

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my laptop is only "off" when i close the top.... my old desktop was on 24/7 for 3 years straight before i got rid of it

Full eclipse system is next on list.. soon to gut and redo the honda as new project/rolling buissness card :)

i miss the sound of those old school strokers on beast amps :(

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Guest DC Power Kyle

my server:

[root@web1 ~]# w
02:04:28 up 107 days, 22:28,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
root	 pts/0	xxxx	  02:04	0.00s  0.01s  0.00s w
[root@web1 ~]#

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I bought myself a $200 acer desktop after my 8 year old dell shit the bed. I planned on using it just as a temp replacement but its worked too well for me to get rid of it. the only time I have turned it off is when I install something and it requires me to, or I go away for a week or something. for christmas I think I am going to build myself a really nice pc, and still leave that on 24/7

as far as my laptop, I turn that off whenever I'm not using it. it heats up really fast and stays hot for a whole so when I'm done I store it upside down on a shelf next to my window

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I don't keep my Pc all 24/7 because electic bill are getting expensive. I do pay bill so that not always eazy. I don't like to keep them on all the time because it generate heat and inside get pretty dusty and need to blow air out of it.

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Guest DC Power Kyle

Server HDD and Desktop HDDs are not the same. They do the same thing, but most server hard drives handle massive vibrations from the racks a lot better and also have better MTBFs as well.

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