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Leo1103 last won the day on May 28 2015

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About Leo1103

  • Birthday 06/19/1990

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    Hookers and Ice cream

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  1. Extra voltage capacity. but less capacitance, id be curious as to the voltage drop with just 6 cells per bank Yep, its a trade-off. BigD had a post where he stated he wanted to test amps up at 17V, so the extra cap was needed. I suppose he's fine with it as-is, if he's not even dropping a volt. We shall see.... I must have missed that part, either way its nice to see more and more people using supercaps
  2. 6 would be 15v 7 is 17.5v, those are max charge voltages i thought they were 2.1v each black maxwells are 2.5v and i think 2500f, the blues are 2.7v and 3000f
  3. Extra voltage capacity. but less capacitance, id be curious as to the voltage drop with just 6 cells per bank
  4. honda is finally fixed, taking bets on whether it breaks on the drive home

    1. scooter99


      If you're driving it, that's a big YES!

  5. kinda bittersweet, amps pulled for the last time

  6. I pop test everything, even keep a few 9 volts in my car to be able to do it in the fly.l
  7. head unit now only plays with the alvin and the chipmunk filter on now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ToNasty


      Maybe change subs cause yours are to powerful :)

    3. scooter99


      Well it is your ride, chances are you're going to break something! It's inevitable.

    4. Leo1103


      ive broke too much already lol

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