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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/13 in Posts

  1. i am hoping to do 9 SMD 15 (v2's) powered by.......well, i am not sure yet. The plan is 2 T2500.1bd Cp amps on each one @ 16v (yes, 18 T2500.1bdcp) - subject to change though as i don't have any products. This has been on my mind for months though.
    2 points
  2. pffft... people FUCK THAT
    2 points
  3. nahhh, while burping a very large insane number is GREAT, it is not as much fun. Maybe in the '90 tercel with one tinted tail light.......but the van, that is gonna be FUN. I give credit where it is due, even burping over a 165 is no joke. A 170 is fucking RARE. A 180 is UNGODLY and only been done a couple times.....but i don't see (hardly) anyone doing a 165+ having fun with the spectators. As fucking AWESOME as it is to have a number like that pop up on the screen, i can only imagine it, there is nothing like a ground pounder. I would like to do at LEAST a 160 below 40hz with the van and be able to do demo after demo after demo. Time will tell though, it is starting to look like a summer project as i don't know when i am getting my SMD's. I want to finish the honda first also. I am tired of looking at it collect so much dust and cob webs. I been working hard on it lately. The van is a great work vehicle so i don't mind it being empty. I use it all the time LOL
    1 point
  4. New to us, 2010 model.
    1 point
  5. did you previously use an o-scope or the ear-o-meter? the reason it sounds so good now is because the gains are finally set RIGHT. Most people have the same results because for the first time in the history of their life, they have also set the gain RIGHT. glad you love the product! thanks a lot for the feedback
    1 point
  6. I tuned my 2 sundown amps yesterday with my dd-1 and what a difference! Out of a volume that goes to 50, my jvc is clean all the way to 48 at both frequency tests. My wife's pioneer 9400 out of 60, hers was clean to 57. That's pretty damn good I think. Jvc gets bashed but I got the kd- avx49 arsenal with 5 volt preout and it is clean. I put a saz1500v2 in my truck and a sax125.4 in my wife's truck and both sound so much cleaner and clear after the dd-1. I think where the dd-1 was most helpful for us was using different brand amps with different gain characteristics. I'm running a zx850.4 and the wife has the RF 5001bd, 2006 model that's still hangs with the new stuff and still doesn't even get warm when you beat the hell out of it.
    1 point
  7. People going out of their way to start shit on the forum... FUCK THAT
    1 point
  8. downward angled amp terminals FUCK THAT! buying the best wire and having to thin it up a little just to fit those downward angled terminals, fuck that! tendons aching like a mother fucker, fuck that! off brand fig newtons, fuck that! riding my quad and seeing a cop watching me come down the road, fuck that! him thinking he could catch me, fuck that! lol
    1 point
  9. went through 111 pages of this thread, fuck that!!! fixed my spelling, fuck that
    1 point
  10. Better pump iron for the next 3
    1 point
  11. went through 100 rounds at the range with an 870, and now my shoulder feels like Mike Tyson was punching it while I was sleeping...fuck that!
    1 point
  12. violence against women act... FUCK THAT Cause its legal for violence against men right. ass hat politics politics FUCK THAT
    1 point
  13. LIVING 15 MILES from town... FUCK THAT
    1 point
  14. having to pay tax on items on ebay because i live in california. FUCK THAT!!!
    1 point
  15. applying deadener in below freezing weather.................................... FUCK THAT
    1 point
  16. Imma pm you about batteriesNot using the FUCK THAT thread correctly! FUCK THAT!!!!!psting on hte internets instead of swinging til your hands bleed. Fuck that! Has bat sitting next to chair while reading the fuck that thread. Whatcha FUCKing got on THAT!
    1 point
  17. I aint gonna drink my medicine...Fuck that!
    1 point
  18. AWESOME..... Well put, and bad ass to bring it to light.... Bad ass SONIC ..... bad ass...
    1 point
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