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Everything posted by Colin - STAPUFT

  1. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Siknic/143431302351444 Who is going or planning on going?? My van is up and running- I REALLY hope to make the 350 mile trip! Speak up People!
  2. At long last- up and running, on the streets again!

  3. Still reppin my quote I see! :D

    How's life?

  4. No prob! I didn't see that one there. Lots of what is there is on loan, so I guess I missed that one. Makes it interesting with the change-up of the different cars though. Only problem now is I really want a Corvette! I think a 69-72 Stingray in the Steel Cities Gray paint would do nicely! ;D Maybe later...
  5. Great place. $10 entry fee. Lots more stuff, but that is all I got photos of. Next time you are in Bowling Green, KY it is worth a stop. Exit 28 on I-65. That's all folks.
  6. If you have seen this video: Then this is the vette and what is left of the tires:
  7. I never had fast cars, but what I did have was large vehicles with lots of room. I'm not really mechanically minded, but I do enjoy the technical aspect of car Audio and the tinkering and tweaking that can be done. I also got tired of hearing other people's crappy music over my weak stereo- so one thing lead to another, and on and on it goes.
  8. Sorry for your loss. I will call in on a weaving fool in a second. It only takes a second to end a life-
  9. Cicada shell baby!!! You can hear them (especially in the morning and afternoon) when they are swarming. Thousands of them make a huuuuge hissing or buzzing noise.
  10. The subscription is linked specifically to the Radio / Device. So... the first radio is the base amount (I can't remember- like $170 per year?) and then additional radios are like half the first. I love mine. A must have if you are a road warrior.
  11. Stock photo of one like my first amp: MTX Road Thunder 2100x 50x2, 200x1. Now she has lots of friends!!!
  12. That's funny! 4 pistols 6 rifles 3 shotguns A knife and a Bow I love how he got the cameraman crackin' up.
  13. I see what they did there! Good one. lol
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