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Everything posted by Colin - STAPUFT

  1. My favorite is still VOLTAGE. Stuff is great. Of the new stuff, I like DISTORTION. mmmm.... tasty!
  2. The bass knocks knowledge in there. J/P- read the posts on the site. There is a world of knowledge on here. And search is your friend.
  3. Damn DELTA Mississippians!!! Meh... I added ya' anyways. I still need to meet up with you some time and get my cranium cracked by your Tahoe!! Only about an hour and a half apart- no homo.
  4. I hope you are joking, and if you aren't- then stop. This kills people. Good law. How the hell you gonna' type and drive at the same time???? You can't. Period.
  5. That is wrong! Someone needs to make a video of the people who did the vid. Give them a $100 bill, then it explodes and blows off their fingers. Then laugh in their faces... just wrong.
  6. Yeah- electrical part of Audio is great. Easy to write lots on that. Also write on crossover frequencies, the sound of sound (different frequencies) and how that relates to speaker sizes. You could do a massive paper on subwoofer box types alone.
  7. Holy Crap! Only 1.5 hours from me. Even with a weak/fouled cylinder- I may be able to limp that far.
  8. My in-laws have a black 04 Goat. It is pretty nice, I must admit. The one problem that it has that I have seen- it has independent rear suspension. If you drive it HARD from 1st to 2nd, you can literally make the butt of the car slap the ground. I heard this in reviews when it first came out but didn't believe it until I actually made the car do it one time. Also, for my 6'0" frame, it sucks to get into and out of. Once in it though- it is really nice and comfy. They love theirs. They haven't had the first problem with it and they purchased it new and drive it Everywhere.
  9. Slow cooked in one of these! http://www.pkgrills.com/ Except mine is like 25 years old! LOL. Makes the steaks nice and juicy! Sometimes only a Steak will do!
  10. Yeah, our first. I've been doing everything this past week. She had bad allergies, then sickness (morning, noon and night) and then got the damn flu. All being @6.5 weeks. It SUCKED. It gave us a bit of a baby scare too, but she is better and the baby is better now. I can handle it as long as she and the baby are OK. I can suck that up no prob. Gonna' be a change for sure. She prob. won't be working anymore b/c she makes so little $ it would be like paying (daycare) to work. So things will get tighter. But that is fine too. I can't explain it- but before I was worried about everything (job, house, $$, hobbies, etc....) but now I'm not worried. Like things will handle themselves as long as I man up. Thanks so much for all the well wishes SMD bros!
  11. We have been "trying" for about 3 years and thank God it finally happened. We had a scare last week, but all looks good now. So- Lord willing, around December 2nd there will be another SMD baby! Oooh- I need to get some SMD baby gear!
  12. Columbus, MS wootie. No shows for us either. We have 3 audio shops in town, but they are either really small or have been around so long that they are jaded to audio (if that makes any sense). They have no desire to hold shows- which I just don't understand. Pretty much any show close seems to be the MS or AL coast, Memphis, or Jackson, MS.
  13. http://www.amazon.com/Wagan-2017-Solar-Battery-Charger/dp/B000VHT9GS I have also seen them at Harbor Freight for like $10-20 too. But.... they do like less than 1 amp. For fun, maybe- but until they get waaaay cheaper- totally impractical $$$ wise.
  14. I was "out" at 16 in a residential High School for my last 2 years. But... summers, holidays I still lived at home. At 18 I was in College and working in my own place(s). At 21, I was out and married renting. That is when I was totally on my own (with the wifey of course). We purchased a home when I was 25. Until I had a house that I was fully responsible for and could call "home" I didn't feel totally independent tho.
  15. I saw the topic title and I thought.... "Boon knows this stuff..." and I open it up and look what I see. I built mine (got lots of design help here from Boon and other folks on SMD) and tuned it as if it were a ported box- just to get it in the ballpark. The best I could get mine to tune to (in the ported models) was something like 42 or 38 hz. Way too high for my liking. Boon and some other people as well told me that it would actually tune and go lower than that. If I had to guess, it is prob. tuned to low 30s somewhere. My subs are getting right at their RMS each in a 1.75 cu ft box with a bigger than recommended port and I have NO issues with unloading. I really like the way it sounds too. I have had these subs in sealed boxes, "normal" ported boxes, really huge ported boxes and now this- and this enclosure sounds the best. DO IT!!!!
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