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Ahmed Johnson

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Status Replies posted by Ahmed Johnson

  1. Some cool people in here once you chop it up with them.

  2. The blister on my chest from the doobie I dropped just popped!

  3. The blister on my chest from the doobie I dropped just popped!

  4. cant believe school is starting for my kid thursday wow summer has gone by fast

  5. Toyota is in the shops hands now praying it gets fixed!!!

  6. Well, I'm no expert, but if you get out your car around cars doing 200 mph and try to stop one like superman, bad shit is going to happen. My condolences to the young man's family.

  7. Might be a dad sometime tomorrow morning. wifes having contractions and we are waiting on a doctor right now.

  8. I've been seeing alot of people on other forums hating on CT sounds

  9. Sonix has 10 percent off Audiopipe right now. Look out now. about to set the car audio world on fire. And I mean that.

  10. I've been seeing alot of people on other forums hating on CT sounds

  11. I've been seeing alot of people on other forums hating on CT sounds

  12. I've been seeing alot of people on other forums hating on CT sounds

  13. I need a conversion van or a small bus

  14. you know you like it:

  15. I need a conversion van or a small bus

  16. So i finally found another local basshead on craigslist.

  17. You know what haters are? Hilarious!

  18. You know when someone puts themselves on the radar it really is awesome what you can find out about someone in a few minutes.

  19. did they really just kick someone off the forum for saying ppl on here are dicks? hey you gotta admit some ppl just reply to threads talking shit. cant expect everybody to be an expert master audio guru

  20. You know what i hate. When someone in my job takes a shit, and dont flush the toilet. The part that really grinds my gears, is that it tells me someone dont wipe.

  21. my first grandchild will be here tomorrow,and i can't wait to meet him.he is gonna wanna be loud one day!

  22. Thanks for the shout on Facebook for SOTM S.M.

  23. when you've ran outta stuff to argue about in audio.. argue about dustcaps...

  24. The Bulls are starting to look like real contenders in the east.

  25. The Bulls are starting to look like real contenders in the east.

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