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Status Replies posted by ROLEXrifleman

  1. My mom traded in her car and got a Cadillac. That just screams "im an aging white woman". At least she doesnt act better than anyone

  2. So Buick brought back the Grand National for 2015 and they are stating a 2L 4 banger at 272hp and a 3.6L v6 at 400hp looks really nice too very nice Buick let's see how this goes.

  3. work has been kicking my ass lately!

  4. work has been kicking my ass lately!

  5. work has been kicking my ass lately!

  6. The idea that Comcast or Time Warner might give YouTube better online access than a doctor sending critical diagnostic information to a hospital is frightening. -John R. Quain

  7. #soldtothehighestbidder

  8. And My work here is done for the day.

  9. If you watch, and dig SONS OF GUNS.... i feel sorry for your brain.....

  10. whos got some good 8"s they wanna cut loose?

  11. Rf pros (Mids & tweets) are due back to me today says tracking. Need to sell. Who is wanting?

  12. Debating going to alaska for a few months for work, not sure what to do since i just got laid off lol

  13. Soooo... If I were to put a vm-1 to try to measure how hot my woofers were, where would I put the sensor to get a reading with out interfering. Not really for an exact coil temp reading obviously.... More just along the lines of, "shit, there is 180degree air in there, better give them a rest"

  14. Is it just me or do Frosted Flakes that havent sat in milf for a few minutes feel like shards of glass in your mouth when yo eat them!

  15. Just picked me up an PPI A200 for $85. Its a little rough but woks. Ill have pics when I get it.

  16. In a MASSIVE troll mood

  17. USPS has freaking thieves!!!!!! stole grants cc1 i was returning.

  18. Careful, don't let your electrons leak out

  19. Populus Amp prices/rating are a go. Pm me for any of your Populus needs.

  20. it really aggravates me when people want to classify and ENTIRE group of people, religious groups, race, ect over a group of extremists .... I dont see everyone posting shit about how much they hate Christianity and the bible because a group of christian extremists want to picket a funeral. I know many Islamic, Muslim, People who are very dear friends of mine and they probably love this country more than I do ... and when people want to tell them to go back to there own country ... Look no...

  21. Populus Amp prices/rating are a go. Pm me for any of your Populus needs.

  22. 10 or 16? place your vote in the comments please :)

  23. Glock 17 or Ipad mini. hmmmmm

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