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Everything posted by bobonit

  1. 1/2 the diameter of the port at a minimum. So for a 6" aero, 3 inches from the wall minimum.
  2. Thats a beautiful saw. I'm sure it will get a lot of use once you get the shop going.
  3. I'd like to know what camera he used. That was awesome slow motion action. Must have a very high framerate.
  4. Here is the diagram from Parts Express for the Tyco 12v Relay. http://www.parts-exp...tive-relays.cfm
  5. Not picking sides here, BUT, this "Law" sucks. How can you force an American Citizen to "Buy" healthcare by law? That is against his/her civil rights. If someone does not want to have health insurance, that is his/her choice. Basically insurance will now be the same as a Tax.
  6. Wow man, that came out sweet. The color looks like a fine wine in some of the picks. In other pics its like Sexual Chocolate!! Congrats on your new shop!! Enjoy it!!
  7. I have this one: Extech MS420 20MHz 2 Channel. http://www.tequipment.net/ExtechMS420.asp http://www.extech.com/instruments/product.asp?catid=16&prodid=523
  8. Maybe you should check your attitude at the door when you come looking for help. Sometimes its not what you say, but how you say it.
  9. Like everyone already said, gotta start somewhere. I started off many years ago with 2 MTX Blue Thunder subs and 2 MTX amps (A LONG TIME AGO hehehe). If it sounds good, thats all that matters. I have one question though.... Where's the 02 Maxima?
  10. If you don't mind ordering online this is the best stuff you can get... http://www.uscomposites.com/polyesters.html Scroll down about half way. You want the B-440 Premium Polyester Layup Resin. They include the MEKP.
  11. Nice!! I wish my alternator was on top like that, instead of underneath behind the compressor
  12. You can also address your package to: "Hold for pickup" with the address of your local UPS customer service center. Then when they get the package you just go pick it up.
  13. Your internet provider still may have the old ip address in its dns servers cache. Give it time.
  14. The site is working fine for me on my laptop with Google Chrome, but on my Touch Pro 2 using Opera, I only get a blank page with the SMD logo. It worked fine when the mobile theme first got installed, but for the last 2 days it has not worked.
  15. Steve and Mark, the new site looks great and works great too. I'm really digging the mobile theme. I'm typing this with my Touchpro 2 and its a breeze to navigate. Great job guys!
  16. Its a combination of too many stupid people breeding with too many people that don't give a fuck. You get a bunch of dumbass people that don't give a fuck. Dude, glad you're ok after that...
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