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Everything posted by enemyofsilence

  1. hit up footlongsam. he will design you a box for a small fee. awesome designer
  2. it says to use 3 1800s. just bump up to 3 2000 or 2400 and you will be good to go.
  3. Cruz Maldonado aka enemyofsilence, Santa Monica, Ca
  4. my local shops here always try to sell their products. so i dont like to go to my local in because i am overwhelmed with Jl and Alpine and MTX (not that they are bad companies). thats their job. to sell what they have, in most cases main stream brands. edit: ^ beat me to it
  5. you can look through here and find some. there are a lot of songs listed so you may find some that you are looking for Linky
  6. thats what i thougt. higher strand count makes it easier and more current to run.
  7. sorry to hear that bro. did you fail the drug test or you told them?
  8. wooooow i am ready for this build to start. the T2500 are teh sex. and 8 of them is the best orgy from bass heaven
  9. Whos gonna watch it on sun? it was a pretty intense game for mexico and costa rica tonight.
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