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Status Replies posted by will77530

  1. Plexiglass port? Yeah why not!

  2. Ugh think i blew one of the voice coils, sub makes bass but like half as much, and makes the amp cut out at certain power

  3. Bartender is getting me drunk, then going back to her place. fucking winning.

  4. gonna do some speaker wire upgrades i think..wats a good size speaker wire to go with .??

  5. My GoPro 3 "Black" Edition will be here tomorrow! I hope its WAY better then my original GoPro which i hate (at least for car audio).  1080p @ 60fps and remote view with my iphone FTW though! Pics/vids when i get it!

  6. My GoPro 3 "Black" Edition will be here tomorrow! I hope its WAY better then my original GoPro which i hate (at least for car audio).  1080p @ 60fps and remote view with my iphone FTW though! Pics/vids when i get it!

  7. I dont even need to go to youtube to know steve put up a vid promoting sotm

  8. Consider for a moment what life would be like without the beloved butt. Scary huh? Yeah... That's why I exist ;)

  9. Got fired today, I guess deep frying chicken isnt for me

  10. Got a 141.7 @40hz with sensor on dash and driver door open today at the meet! Pretty happy. Was hoping for at least a 40.

  11. does d'amore still make the vu din? cant seem to find it on the website.

  12. Its about to go down

  13. it would appear i may have fucked up my truck

  14. it would appear i may have fucked up my truck

  15. it would appear i may have fucked up my truck

  16. Got a demo today of 2 kenwoods 12s in a prefab.

  17. Tired of people telling me my last competition scores are bullshit lolz

  18. Ordered two SoundQubed 8's...for 100$ shipped I said screw it imma play with some and then put em in the girls car or maybe stealth install in my truck...hmm

  19. kingsuv why you lock topic right after i finish typing

  20. how can u pack an amp that weighs 20 pounds and just put newspaper in the box and its not even fiull

  21. Adaammmmmm!!!! I'm getting tired of all these old men! Switch it up a bit!

  22. Anyone know if I can get a small 15 or 25 dollar prepaid card like a gift card at qfc or something, but can be used anywhere? Is there even such a thing?

  23. still need someone to design my goddamn tattoo FUCK!

  24. still need someone to design my goddamn tattoo FUCK!

  25. nighttime bassing?

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