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Everything posted by Torres

  1. i didn't know you had an account over here. i've watched the build over at customdakotas. awesome to see you get some credit for your badass work. congrats
  2. what's the cheapest one I can get that isn't complete garbage? $50 is about what I would like to pay, maybe $60... good luck trying to find one for that price. and an O-Scope is the only true way to tune your system to know whether you are clipping or not. 12/14 on your phone volume doesn't matter, your head unit will clip after a certain volume level on it, even if your phone is only 12/14.. Just because you don't hear distortion, doesn't mean you're not clipping. thank you for saying this. i was going to say the same thing. volume or gain 'position' has nothing to do with output. just because a gain is turned 'half up' does not mean it's 'half as loud' or could be twice as loud if turned more or whatever. preout voltage determines gain position. higher pre out voltage from the head unit equals less gain, and less pre out voltage equals more gain. results are the same however regardless of position. if your phone is on 12 out of 14 on volume, and when it's any higher you can actually hear distortion, then chances are you're distorting at your 12/14 volume, you just can't hear it. only way to tell is with an o-scope. and 200 dollars is cheap for an o-scope, so good luck on getting one for 60 bucks that actually does decent readings. the base o-scope is good enough for audio (the $200 kind). they can get as pricey as several thousands of dollars.
  3. glad to see this bumped productively instead of a new person with 1 post quoting 100 pics to say 'hey nice' hahaha. no but really...wheels look good and i'm anxious to see it painted
  4. there's some around me and up to dayton ohio. that'd be about your 4 - 5 hour limit. more like 3.5 - 4 hours. centerville and fairfield. i gotta remember to request off for carl casper. i missed it last year
  5. second skin > dynamat > fatmat. i'll never use fatmat again
  6. YEZZIR!!! they're starting to take them off shelves here now so i've been stocking up 14 there, and i found two more in my truck the next day lol. wish i had em for the pic. going to look for some places that still have some. bought two stores out so far haha
  7. i just got a tingle picturing that shop filled with all kinds of equipment. congrats!
  8. lol at no tabby's looking to the right hahaha. to the left is ok...but soon as they look right gtfo
  9. those are just LED's. i have some in my truck as well. need to get some replacements tho. mine just flicker now
  10. if you seal the trunk, then deadening the trunk would be pointless imo since everything would be sealed from it. also, 3 db is a lot to gain in doing modifications. i'd do it regardless tho
  11. also, i'd adjust it to whatever you primarily listen to. a while ago i used a cd to adjust my amps, yet listened to all my music from my ipod. my ipod had a different voltage than my cd player when played through the headphone jack, which would make my music play louder at lower volumes than a cd. which when turned up could have hurt my equipment since it was now seeing a higher voltage. so if you listen to only ipod music, tune it from your ipod. same with a cd player. and be cautious when playing from other sources. unless you know the output voltage is the same
  12. i can build one and ship it too you if all else fails. shouldn't be too bad for a pair of tens
  13. eh...i had fatmat in my explorer. about half of it started to unstick by itself. and yes i cleaned the areas properly. but the stuff that did stick stuck pretty good
  14. looks like i may need to get in touch with some of the people i know that would know where/when these are
  15. whoa wtf. where the hell have i been?? i gotta find some then
  16. gets boring to watch after a while. it's like an extravagant running man. except the girl in that youtube link at 4:45 almost made me change my mind for 3 seconds
  17. probably cuz it takes a little bit of talent to do its pretty cool tho. haha true that true that thats cool in a gay way hater
  18. imo it also depends on how interested in a certain topic you are. if i had to do a paper on politics, it'd take me months to finish lol. hate politics in every aspect. but if it was something i'm interested in, then i'd be much more focused
  19. i bought three tonight. in ky they're not gone yet. store i went to has em in full effect still. got four in the truck i plan on keeping. gonna add to it as my stock pile and buy an extra to drink btw drunk drunk drunk...all day long...drunk drunk drunk...while i sing this song they're going to redo the recipe i hear. i'm sad for that. i'm going to cherish the ones i do have until then. i have a backup drink i think i can do that'll be just fine. but i have yet to try it EDIT: i think they're gone in indiana too
  20. before the renovation this site used to do that. kinda tedious to do when you were used to normal clicking. i have a middle click so i've been in the habit of using that when clicking links to automatically open in a new window. easy work around
  21. here's a couple i had to write for english 101. i think i took it a year ago. this one is about running and facing your past For what seems like forever, He runs in despair From the beasts and shadows That are forever there. He runs fast as sound And quiet as night, Thinking that just maybe, Maybe, he might, Escape from the horror, Torment, and blight. Still not fast enough, He keeps on his mission To find himself peace With enduring ambition. But in order to do this, To achieve such a task We must learn not to run, but to face our own past. then a friend and i wrote this in high school for english. 9/11 happened that year or the year after The day was young, So beautiful and clear. The people lived on Not knowing what to fear. Some were just waking And others were working Inside the Trade Centers When terrorists came lurking. All of a sudden From out of the sky Two planes hit the towers And thousands will die. Some saw it coming To others a surprise. People all over the city Couldn't believe their eyes. Everyone ran Not wanting to die With only thinking Of saving their lives. Thousands of people Are now in despair From the family they lost Who are no longer there. Even to this day Many still cry From the thoughts and memories That keep Passing by
  22. i use free shipping and adjust the price to compensate for it. i find it easier than trying to make a set shipping price. could be more and you're out of money, or it could be less and the buyer may wonder why he got charged $25 to ship when it only cost $10. so i estimate a price for shipping (flat rate boxes work great for this) and add it to the price i want for the item. make sure to specify if you offer returns or not. if not, state 'as is' somewhere in the auction so they cannot complain since it was bought as is. if you have a low feedback rating i suggest putting your ebay name in pics along with the item. buying an iphone from ebay was the hardest thing because of so many scammers with 0 feedback
  23. here ya go http://www.eonon.com/Car-Monitors/Stand-Alone/E1102.html
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