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Everything posted by C-Fizzy

  1. No. dont waste money on a smaller amp now, and upgrade later. Get the 2200 now, set gains low, and bump quietly until you can get better electrical.
  2. 2200. Be easy on the gains tho. maybe a 270 amp alt and 1 or 2 spare batts.
  3. definately looks like it took alot of time to put together. must be a special girl. best of luck to them.
  4. This fagstick sold me a fuse block fir ten bucks, but then made me do heavy lifting haha good guy here. Real honest and doesn't bullshit.
  5. hmm your right, i dont recall them coming out as d2's. maybe the OP has a wrong imp. load? or maybe we're retarded and they did come out as d2's LOL
  6. if the subs were d4, he couldnt have them wired at 2 ohms, so i think that answers your question, OP, whats your electrical like.
  7. He's asking about the size of the voice coil, not the amount.
  8. Welcome to the forum, i want to see some of these cars you built
  9. if you keep calling your amps, "1000 watters", i dont think you should do it.
  10. I have no idea. he was at a friends house and i heard it. sounded like one of the subs was blown LOL. i think he likes the sound of distortion.
  11. i've heard this guy's system before, shit sounded like ass. and i'm pretty sure his window broke because someone tried to steal his capasider. LMAO.
  12. Not calling you a liar, but there is always two sides to a story
  13. Only 3 amplifiers tho. and its the prime line. AND they're not even selling the r500.1 or the r1000.1
  14. Is the deck's volt meter adjustable? if so then just adjust it so its reading the same as the battery. i dont remember seeing the meter at Lowe's
  15. How is the meter at the deck hooked up? is it a straight readout from the battery?
  16. I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Maybe its just Cali that has a need to give cops/celebs/rich folk a minor slap on the wrist. about 5 years ago, a kid(who was a VERY good friend of mine) had just gotten off of the school bus and was crossing the street, was ran down by an off duty cop who was also driving under the influence. Not only was it a DUI, but the cop was speeding in a school zone. something like 60 mph in a 15 mph zone. I believe he only got 7 years. FOR RUNNING DOWN AN INNOCENT CHILD. Oh and btw, the cop FLED THE SCENE. So lets see here, vehicular manslaughter, DUI, and hit and run. 7 YEARS.
  17. Wouldn't doubt it Berto. The California legal system is bullshit. Edit:lmao, agreed ^^
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