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OrionStang last won the day on April 8 2016

OrionStang had the most liked content!

About OrionStang

  • Birthday 11/15/1979

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    Socialist Republic of Kommifornia

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  1. A quote by Hany Rambod when asked about all the professional trainers and 'gurus' currently out there: "First of all I don't think there are hundreds of gurus out there; there is a handful. I think there are a lot of online guys that are famous because they spend a lot of time online. Sure they can be good at what they do, but unless you are out there getting people ready for shows and you are constantly working in this area you are an armchair warrior in my opinion. There ar...

    1. OrionStang


      There are a lot of these quote/unquote gurus - and I hate the word guru by the way - but I think a lot of them are famous because of the Net, not because of a substantial track record - because they have the highest amount of posts on an Internet board. Those are the ones you want to stay away from: those who don't have a proven track record."

      Dudes awesome.

    2. audiofanaticz


      lulz. but there are tons of people that are on the net that have a proven track record. Thats like saying Steve Meade is famous because the net (which is true) but he doesnt have a proven track record (which is not true. Another perfect example of being famous by the net is JP, but the only track record he has is turning a knob as people say it. He knows little about the audio field, but yet he is a dealer of products and posts status about noting being able to reach companies to ask simple q...

    3. audiofanaticz


      companies to ask simple questions for potential customers. Which is a perfect example of what Hany Rambod is talking of.

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