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Everything posted by kl0wn

  1. When I had my Explorer I used a random bolt near the bottom of the engine, it was just kind of sitting there looking at me saying "Pick me!", so I did. Just try to find anything on the actual block of the engine.
  2. Too bad I didn't see this thread before, could have saved you some time! De-greaser and a power washer, never had a problem with it before at least. Glad you got it fixed though! Looks nice.
  3. I've used the Karma SS RCA cables from Knu, haven't had a problem with them.
  4. I'm not great with taking pictures of my car, but here are my 2 favorite that I have taken. Also, nice to see another person in VA
  5. This link may help you out in your process of learning. It just explains what the parts of the amps are, and how they work. Found it a while back and decided to bookmark it for info. Linky
  6. Well they aren't. If you checked the "EDIT" out in my post, I added that I checked them both in Audacity, they are both are 36hz.
  7. Been a while since I have had a system or looked up where songs peak at. But IIRC... I Think I Luv Her - Gucci Mane (37hz) Juice Box - Gorilla Zoe (36hz) These are just off the top of my head from what I can remember, so I could be wrong. EDIT: Just checked them on Audacity, and both are at 36hz. So, I hope it helps, if I think of other songs I'll check them and then post here.
  8. I find it crazy that I am just now finding out that you live in VA also. Congrast for your wife also!
  9. Thanks man Oh yes it is, hahaha. Driving this thing is a blast!
  10. When I was debating on buying this, that thought was going through the back of my head the entire time.
  11. 06 Mini Cooper S. R53, the Supercharged model. When I first got it Painting the wheels with Plasti Dip. Read a few reviews of it online, watched a few videos and decided why not try it. If I get tired of it or it starts messing up, it peels right off and you don't know it was ever there. Just a little something to hold me off till I feel like dropping real $$ on actual black rims. After the wheels cured over-night. Then I got it tinted, and finally got around to taking more shots. So far that is all I have done to it, except a few things here and there on the interior. Only had the car for about 3 weeks, been too busy to do a lot to it. System wise, I will be putting a system in it, after I sell my old system. Plans are just a simple SA-8 (Hopefully the v.2 will be out when I decide to buy ). Don't want to rattle the car to complete shit, yet
  12. Grape soda that is really sugary.
  13. Just like bassahaulic said, there is more in there. Play around with it, youll get your score up. Good job so far.
  14. I was a Lumber Jack since I already had everything I needed, till my buddy got us kicked out of the party.
  15. I don't see a point in this thread.... But, good luck on getting your old job back, hope everything works out for ya!
  16. No problem, let me know how it goes. Also, here is a picture to help you out with it if you need. Not my picture. Have seen it on here before, just found it with a quick google search.
  17. I don't know much about JVC so it could be something else, but I would personally ground the RCA's and see if it helps.
  18. Are you running a Pioneer deck? If so, ground your RCA's. Pioneers are known for this issue.
  19. Yeah I believe in it. I'm not the kind of person where something happens though, and is just like "OMG GHOST!!", I'll try to explain it first, and if I can't I still don't normally jump on the bandwagon saying ghost/paranormal. But c'mon, weird stuff does happen that you cannot fully explain sometimes, shit happens. I've tried to find haunted places around where I live to visit, but most of them if you get caught on the property, it's a federal offense. Only been to 1 "haunted" place around here, and yeah weird stuff happened, but I'm not going to say it was "paranormal" stuff, but most definitely weird. I do believe though, that a good amount of "paranormal" stuff that happens to people, is all in their head. Seeing and/or hearing what they WANT, not what IS. Just my views on the topic.
  20. I never made fun of your comments, I actually helped you. But whatever.
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