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Everything posted by tdsa23

  1. the havocs get low just tune the box low to about 32hz and they get loud. Might wan to add that to the discusion.
  2. Can't wait till this system is done and get a demo of it since I couldn't get a demo at finals in San Jose. But I love this line" othing insane like you guy's crazy builds" what do you call this build then simple?
  3. I just finish my 5th build and already thinking how to get louder, its a drug that I dont want help with.
  4. I only listen to 4 songs and they all hit but "Is good" hits the hardest in my system. Then "She Will", "2 Shots", and "Nightmares of the bottom".
  5. ive checked all my grounds and there all secure and tight. I have no idea what this could be. Someone at this local shop said that pioneer has had this problem for over 10 years and still havnt been able to fix it. he said to wrap a wire along my rca and ground that. This what I do with my pioneer deck and it has worked for me.
  6. I was at home getting ready to go to school. Crazy I was in the 10th grade but it don't seem like it was that long ago.
  7. This year the D is hard to pass on one mistake an that's a pick-6. But I'm winning close games on all-pro rite now.
  8. How do they compare? x2, only sub he can get from dc for under 200 is a lvl 3 and we both know how that compares to an SA series
  9. That sh*t is moving that window wanna see hoe the wall look with the woofers moving.
  10. I just want to thank Steve for a great product, and Ray for fast shipping. Thank you both.
  11. Hey can you send me stickem slowed and non slowed.
  12. That was a good one put that on Ustream and everyone will be tuned in. If I pre-ordered with Ray will his be signed to?
  13. Wish you could have posted this earlier so I could have took off from work. But I did plan on coming out their tomorrow after work.
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