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Everything posted by Baydestrian

  1. Dats What They Say, Get It Girl and Staxx....You Know About Me bangs too but I already have the CDQ that I got directly from Bunz thru Myspace a long time ago, I'll have to upload a new link to it
  2. Download it, if you like it then share it, if you don't like it then let me know either way peep it MP3 DOWNLOAD: http://www.box.com/s/1cc72ca94cb0f05dc0aa WAV DOWNLOAD: http://www.box.com/s/9e1893565c372d7a2e97
  3. Mixtape for free here, only kept 3 songs myself, quality & clipping were big on this tape lol: http://www.calimixtapes.com/?p=708 DOWNLOAD: http://www.box.com/s/2b3f53d0f874c1fceade Also here's one of the tracks I kept off the mixtape called "Dats What They Say" but the No DJ version which Calimixtapes also leaked: DOWNLOAD: http://www.box.com/s/0c5f8bfb204a0650d11a
  4. Completely different car but in my Caddy it came on a couple of times, simply moving my passenger seat back and forth once or twice turned it off. Every car goes through hiccups
  5. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+use+google
  6. Yeah that version with Waka sounds clipped and although he actually does have some pretty good verses/songs I don't care for him on this one
  7. Kill Zone comin soon, got some bangers on here and luckily DJ Racks doesn't really fuck up the songs. Light It Up Remix & Fab 5 (which will be off the Livewire album "Fab 5") are the 2 highlights. Via Calimixtapes.com DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/?19qfvi5vc0fylap
  8. Yeah I bought mine in Sept 2009, I play it just about every day for hours on end and use it for Netflix and crap, no issues. I also saved Black Ops, MW3 & BF3 to the hard drive so I don't have to hear/have it spinning which means saving moving parts from failure quickly. YouTube for one thing on the XBOX is MUUUUUUUUUUUCH better than on PS3. If you are a COD fan you get DLC early which is a plus. Lots of games in the Marketplace and you get an avatar you can customize and buy shit for in the marketplace. Me personally I had the original Playstation and the PS2 before going to the 360, I try to play the PS3 at friends houses who have it and I hate it, the controller just feels much smaller and TOO lightweight for me. On that COD note though, right now on XBOX its hacked, if the hacker shoots you in the foot or leg you get shot off the map or you may get put in a "de-rank" lobby and if that happens you must immediately dashboard or pull your ethernet before getting a kill or else it will register.
  9. LOL Cool Story Bro, too bad you told it again http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/137575-trick-daddy-bass-knocks/
  10. Just DL'd the mixtape and dammit haha there's actually some dope songs on here
  11. Mac Miller is corny as fuck, I just can't get into his music but this song is actually not that bad, mainly the beat since of course Jerm handled it and he does a lot of beats for Wiz.
  12. I wish I knew I hate the one that just has that fuckin boring note basically the whole song til the break down, I have a HQ mp3 of the song, just nobody to remix it. Maybe I'll give it a shot in FL some time
  13. LOL though look how many "various artists" you have listed tho. I just right click and go into properties
  14. Thats weird, I swear it only does it for "official releases" from big artists...so I start using Livemixtapes and as posted above the stock ID3 tags won't show up when burning a CD and I no longer use my iPOD since AUX sucks...FuxMyLife
  15. ??? maybe if you DL it from vevo LOL no, video to mp3 will always be crappy quality compared to a good rip from an audio CD
  16. lol if you have been waiting 2 years then my guess is never, it was obviously scrapped
  17. I remember this version, I hate those melodic notes he added, sounds terrible
  18. I guess you guys missed the link where it says its from a 1.5 quake then some aftershocks
  19. yupp Adblock Plus = "What ads", I went a good while on YT before I realized they started showing ads lol
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