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Everything posted by Skullz

  1. Better to have too much than not enough and begin clipping them to death.
  2. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_27474_MB-Quart-ONX4.125.html
  3. Wouldn't happen to have another H/U laying around to try out? That would at least narrow the search down to either it being the problem or not.
  4. Yeah, my alpine took a crap not long ago. I started the car and had this really weird static as if something was shorting out so i turned the car off and tried it again only to have it not do it again but as time went on it went down hill and quit completely.
  5. Sounds like either the inner or outer bearing is shot and no real way to know which one till you get it off the ground and spin them, outer shouldn't be too bad but your inners can be a pain to change and you'll need to preload them again after installing them.
  6. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/poop-tattoo-story-is-crap-8764319
  7. You do not want a vacuum inside the chamber as it will bottom the sub and damage it, same thing if you put pressure inside you force to sub out possibly causing the sub to come out the gap and damage itself. Just install it as normal with what ever the air pressure is at that time and you'll be fine.
  8. Just a simple sealed box, yes they have been used for forever.
  9. This should help you to understand a little better on what you'll need to power your system with.
  10. By combining all of the alts you won't strain your stock one anymore than the mechman alts will be, your stock won't be capable of 100% duty cycle like the mechman alts will so it will eventually fail though. To wire them up connect all positives together and all grounds together in parallel so your only getting 12v cause if you wire them in series you'll increase the voltage and risk blowing everything.
  11. You cannot buy a more comfortable pair of jeans anywhere new that feel as good as those worn out ones with a hole in the knee, i know cause i have sported them for over 30 years and have a very hard time letting those old worn out jeans go but once the ass gives out there is nothing left to do with them.
  12. You spent all that time breaking them in to throw them away with a hole in the knee. Hell no i say keep on trucking with them till the crotch or ass decides to wear out.
  13. Thought i seen one on ebay but i don't have the time to check for ya though.
  14. Glad your all right and nothing major happened cept to the truck, but it is that time of year where deer just gotta go ape shit running in front of peoples cars.
  15. You should be able to find some designs on a 2way set-up with that speaker in that thread, been a while since i last went through it though. http://www.diycable.com/main/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=538 http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=1238398
  16. There have been dirty players throughout the history of the NFL and he is just another one of them, i don't like players like him but as long as they let them play it will always happen regardless of the sport. A dirty hit is a dirty hit whether your in the NBA, NFL, NHL or Baseball. How about that girl in soccer pulling others hair and giving them cheap shots with her elbow, it isn't limited to professional sports.
  17. I had a similar problem with the amp i currently have and when i took it in they said i had a cap that was bad along with a broken solder joint on the power transformer, you'll want to find a local repair shop and see what they say. Not quite sure if your model is one of the newer rockfords that repair shops won't touch anymore.
  18. 1993/95 - PPI A1200 1996 - PPI A600.2 1997/98 - PPI PC 4100 - PC 2150 1999/2000-PPI PC 2600.2 (Not exactly sure which years) Those were all the Precision Power amps i have owned through the years, not an actual number count but rather the ones used as i had many more of the same models at any one point in time. From 86 through 96 i purchased a new alpine H/U every year as a new model appeared in the stores, then i started keeping the gear as i got tired or upgrading every year. From 2000 up till 2008 i was gear less for many reasons but finally decided to come back into car audio once again and enjoy what i had placed on the back burner for so long.
  19. I will say though that the best thing about being old is that i can say i have used many of the old school products people today are drooling over.
  20. Well, you'll be spending a fair amount of time at the local pick&pull getting stuff for a v8 swap providing your able to find donors for the things you need. First you'll need the wiring and engine harness along with the ECU to control it, then depending on if you want a manual trans you'll need the clutch/brake assembly along with the quadrant and cable. Your going to want to upgrade that 7.5 to an 8.8 rear end to handle the power a v8 is going to be pumping out. Depending on what you can get for what price you may be able to get some after market parts but i would hold off till you have everything in and running before spending money on things that don't get you down the road. Just buying the parts used you might spend up to $1,000 or more depending where and quality of used parts and another thing is you'll need a new full exhaust so that can add another few hundred. EDIT: The 2 most important things you'll need to do are welding and or bracing the torque boxes and sub frame connectors.
  21. Might want to check timing and see if it jumped a tooth as another possibility.
  22. Make a post in the wanting to buy section your looking for an AQ2200 and i'm sure you'll get some hits for one.
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