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Everything posted by MrSkippyJ

  1. good god those are some crazy weapons of mass destruct....HOLY FUCK THEY ARE ONLY SUBWOOFERS?!?!? YOU ARE GOING TO KILL PEOPLE.
  2. don't see why you couldn't. just make sure it is some sort of lossless format.
  3. That's exactly what I saw too, just a weird optical illusion. Looks nice!
  4. wow. pretty almost makes me wish I didn't spend money on what I have, not that I don't love what I have, but these are SO pretty! too bad inverting doesn't work so well with mids
  5. well I will save you the trouble. Mostly, I am terrible! but I have hella fun being bad Everyonce in a while I pull a game out of my ass and dominate. but not usually. I rarely go negative though. at least I have that.
  6. i just blame it all on lag and continue to assume that otherwise I would never die
  7. exploit is a strong word. Nobody is doing anything wrong, so not exactly an exploit. But it is using the mechanics of the game in a way they weren't intended. Treyarch tried to remove it in Black Ops and their sales suffered. Infinity Ward wasn't about to let their sales suffer so they let it be.
  8. yes, but all of those other things (minus spawn camping) are intended parts of the game, even noob tubing. Quick scoping exploits a function of sniper rifles that isn't intended to be used, but has to be there for sniper rifles to work. I am not a fan and just leave the game if it happens too much.
  9. claymore using? claymores are legit. quickscopers and noob tubers are the morons who make the game annoying at times.
  10. cool, thanks you. that is what I was thinking, just kinda wanted someone to confirm it for me.
  11. Does it say at the bottom of google chrome when it doesn't seem to be working "Sending request"?
  12. Ok some questions. Currently I use a 3sixty.2 to take care of my processing needs. I run my front stage active, from what I can tell this H/U can do that. Does the mic/time alignment feature work if you have the RCA outputs setup for active rather than front and rear? Does this unit offer any huge advantages over the 3sixty.2 (aside from the mic) that I am overlooking? If the mic is the biggest advantage I think I may just keep what I have.
  13. Probably not, but that is normal. What concerns do you have if they don't?
  14. One of the beautiful things about the DD-1 is you don't actually have to unhook anything but the speakers from the amp. You can simply turn everything too minimum and adjust down the line. Assuming you have an amp since you mentioned a line-out converter, just attach the DD-1 per it's instructions to you amp, turn the amps settings according the the instructions, set all you EQ, loud, boosting, etc...settings according to the instructions. Then with the 0db tracks (40hz and 1khz) find your average for your H/U with the DD-1 hooked up to your amp. Turn your H/U to whatever volume you found to be your max, now adjust you line-out up until the DD-1 shows disortion. Do both of those with 0db tracks and use whichever tracks you want for the amps, I recommend the -5db tracks for those. Feel free anyone to correct anything I am wrong about or add anything I left out.
  15. The Fakuda designed one? That was my first love! That van is stunning Old School. I think it is still intact- which is nice. ;D i think his blazer is hiding somewhere too, not sure how intact though.
  16. Ooh an Astro! That was the vehicle that really started my need for bass. I heard one with (18) 15" JL W6s and (6) VLX-400s. From then on I was hooked.
  17. I know pseudo, as in kinda, but not really. I know passive radiators don't utilize the rear wave like a port does. Anyway, it was more of a joke than a serious statement
  18. Well I said pseudo, meaning that the passive radiators kinda act like a port.
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