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Status Replies posted by KillaCam

  1. happy fathers day muthafathers!

  2. Waiting for my Dad to go to bed so I can go put his new side bars on for tomorrow. Hopefully I can do it stealthly :peepwall:

  3. what happened to the original Random pic thread??

  4. Woah what? Where's the random picture post?

  5. Wouldn't it be great if head unit manufacturers allowed you to save settings so that you don't have to reset things when it's disconnected from power?

  6. this rain bullshit. I got things to accomplish outside dammit.

  7. Time to chug some vodka

  8. shout out to my hustlers out there, those w/2 or 3 jobs, because we have some that won't even get 1, work, somebody has to do it...

  9. Bidding on eBay, shit's intense.

  10. Lucky charms and bud light for dinner wasn't the best choice. Lol

  11. Had to make some sig changes, hmmm

  12. Just watched the BF4 Siege of Shanghai video, hooooooooly shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

  13. picking the truck up in a few. and its going to rain all week. no boom boom in the rain.

  14. When are mainstream rappers going to realize that if they come to the Bay Area they better have their body guards around them. 2 Chainz just another rapper to add to the list

  15. When are mainstream rappers going to realize that if they come to the Bay Area they better have their body guards around them. 2 Chainz just another rapper to add to the list

  16. ''Walking the fine line between self-destruction and creativity scares me.'' Robert Downey Jr.

  17. there is no better feeling than laying in your on bed after a long weekend

  18. How to fit all this cone area in such a small trunk

  19. finally broke down and bought a shed to work out of. no more getting yelled at for dust and smells in the basemet

  20. i just sat for a half hour day dreaming i gotta go do something

  21. I'm chillin, it's raining cats, dogs & frogs thanks to tropical storm "Andrea" it's nice to see some rain, but I'd really like to be installing my Second Skin Damplifier Pro, but patience is one of my many talents you gots to have it living this BASS LIFE!

  22. I don't usually do stop light destruction but white girl playing Michael Jackson way too loud with the windows down was asking for it.

  23. if only i had another 2 inches.................

  24. dropping the truck off for inspection tonight. maybe ill get a vid before I do.

  25. **Home depot 10 gauhge ring terminals legit ot use??**

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