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Everything posted by techforce

  1. Hey guys... I have a Pioneer AVIC-D3 Navigation Head Unit that got wet that needs repaired, (no power)... Does anyone know of a repair service that repairs them other than pioneer? They are too slow and have one in with them now that they seem not to be able to repair? Any ideas would be appreciated...
  2. I m going and about 20 of my team members are...
  3. One thing I usually explain to people is that if u have a non working drive and it is going to be RMA'd or sent back to manufacturer that unless you have classified trade secrets that could cause you to lose millions of dollars, it isn't worth your time to worry about deleting data off the drive... pictures and personal documents or even cached credit card data isn't worth any hackers time or effort to try to obtain off of a dead drive... there are tooooo many easier ways to get data and usually they go for mass quantities of cc numbers... The horror stories about identity theft has so many poeple scared shitless about thier personal computers... Most times your cc info and personal info is obtained from spyware or viruses, not someone breaking into a hard drive manufacturers warehouse and sending a hard drive in and spending hundreds of dollars to send a drive to a clean room to MAYBE get a cc number or 2... That's just my opinion... other words... if it is your own personal pc, I think you would be safe just sending the drive back to dell... When it gets remanufactured, they do dod wipes... Plus dell may charge you if you put a bullet hole in the drive! LOL! Even tho I kno a guy who would take a bandsaw and cut the drives in half when he returned them until Western Digital started charging his CC for new drives since they couldnt repair the drives he returned...
  4. if you know how to do a DOD diskwipe would be best... Google How to perform a DOD disk wipe... Also... the magnet just scrambles data and most drives are shielded now... The drives that are hit with magnets, the data can be reconstructed... it leaves "magnetic residue" (funny ass word)
  5. One like that would be $59.99 plus $15 shipping... It is 30"x5'... To have one that size custom made with different text would be $74.99 plus shipping... I use very heavy material and ink that lasts 3-5 years outdoors... PM me your email addy and what you would like if your are interested...
  6. Might be able to use that device from newegg with software... but.. I think that Treo might be able to do it for you... you won't find anyone to do it cheaper!!!
  7. taht will only work if the drive is not failed.... if it is corrupted, then you would need a prog like Easy recovery Pro.. but.. hardware issues with the drive would not work... if it is clicking.... no...
  8. Even if drive is dead, click of death or damaged PCB? If so... PM me your info... I will use you for data recovery from now on!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. if the drive actualy failed... then the only way is a clean room for recovery... not worth it... cheapest one I know of is about $375 to recover data...
  10. can u post a pic of the setup... One thing that might be going on, some vehicles change the tuning of the box... also, do you have another amp in there, possibly mids and highs and the highpass is set low as the low pass on the sub amp? (a shot in the dark, BUT possible)
  11. Fuck it... I will post it... LOL! pretty sad... but hey... only had the account since the begining of the year...
  12. LOL!... Oh god... mine is sooo pathetic!!! LOL! Since it is tooo embarassing to show mine (only a couple k views each) I decided to post some retards that I found on the internet... (Let's see who notices it!)
  13. Also, Alot of people will post in the "Members Only" section or a passworded section to keep the crap comments to a minimum... Matter of fact, if you become an SMD premium member, it unlocks quite a few sections that are really great!
  14. I think he means Lightning Audio is Fosgates cheaper brand... I think they also have a connector company as well.. insalledge
  15. beat me to it! LOL! Love that song! Decaf, if you see this, u tha mang!
  16. upgrade... try what I said or sani said and you should be good to go... theea re settings that you would need to readjust.. but.. should at least post
  17. reset bios, should be a jumper near battery that has a label something like CMOS_CLEAR or something to that effect...
  18. And someone calling us "show offs" at the show????? WTF??? It is called a "SHOW" lol!
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