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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. Hi!

    the Dash kits for teh Cruze..you can get it from ebay

    do you need a 1din or 2 din??

    the prices are ˝over-priced˝ i think...120€ for a dash kit??

    so here is where i picked up mine


  2. Hi!

    i saw you got a VW golf 1.8

    i have the Same model but with a 1.6 motor....

    do you maybe know where could i get a HO alternator for that car??

  3. hi!

    just a question of song...

    do you maybe have some other songs remixes??

    i m looking for Nothin Compared 2 U by Sinead o connor

    a friend of mine asked me if i can find the chopped and screwed version

    but i cant find it...

    so...since you have such magnificent talent for doing music can you maybe do or do you maybe have that song??

    any version will do

  4. thanks.....

    maybe do you know where can i get an HO alternator for my cruze??

  5. Built an 4.2cuft box..glued the aero port w some super attack glue...fucked up kinda but cant get the tube from the aero separated on any chance unless I break the aero in half..soo wanted to get the port on the outside part of the box

    1. meade916


      that's why i don't glue those unless i KNOW the box isn't changing. Duct tape or even electrical tape works great till you know for sure.  You can buy CA Glue "Uncure", that might break that joint loose.  

    2. gally


      I might just break the aero and get a new one..

  6. Sold my Ground zero 12s like 2 months ago..and im ready ti pick up a new one..single 15 for now.What sub? Dont know yet

  7. -8°C and snowing with strong wind over here....sucks to be out in this weather

  8. 2 12s an the aero in the midle...how does this sounds?

  9. 2 12s, 2.5˝voice coil, tuned to 38?? sobs are Ground Zero Radioactive 12SPL..got em new a while ago for 70€ a piece on some shop sale...guess its about time to use them..

  10. 2 gzrw 30spl sound beast...tuned at 38 but gets down like a champ---also gains were set with an DD-1 and it works even better now..but how would it sound a 15 incher of the same series with a 3˝ VC??

  11. 2.5˝voice coils..are they good for lows?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrSkippyJ


      not sure what the relation to coil size and how low a sub will play is.

    3. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Shouldn't matter. My vvx10 played super low in a tline and was a 2.5 coil . There are other things that matter much more. First is enclosure..and then there's a bunch of other stuff..motor force spider stiffness etc

    4. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      As in super low I tuned it 25hz iirc and it played with authority from mid 20's to 50's

  12. 2515a d2 on a big ass box tuned to 33..sounds good, feels good, moves quite a bit of air and it wangs..its true its an older model but those direct leads rocks

    1. OrionStang


      Pics? Vids?

      Do you have restricted internet or something?

  13. a guy on our street left his dog for 4 days straight outside when it was Freezing -17°C per night...today we went to the owner and told him about the dog...he tiped us off as he would call the cops..then his neighbourgh came and took this guys dog into his house...fuck that shit when you dont take care of your animals

  14. a nearby car audio shop got their demo car and claimed that they did 155+ on 4 10s....got to listen the car, and it sounded somehow burpy...box was tuned to 58hz...with a cactus 5K..also...when they pick a song that plays lows you can hear the sub hitting the bottom...ouch

    1. Tecomah


      A 55 with four tens on that power is gonna be tuned high as shit lol. Don't know what you expected

  15. a week ago went for a ride and i smell somehting funny..aftere i stopped my quad leaked out some coolant liquid..today got my quad repaired and im ready to ride again..also need some gloves

  16. aaah!i really hate my android...messed something up with vites and cant get it corrected...help?

  17. about my previous comment on status update..i was not having music loudly.. but this fella had his radio near to the max..and he was fuckin yelling that he needs to listen to politics and to shut my stupid music off..so i turn it up..what? should i listen to his politics too? he told me to go fux my self because i dont listen to news and stuff.. and that politics matter..fuck politics..

    1. gally


      to have a bitchin guy who yells at you, humiliate you and talk to you like trash is nice?should i shut my radio off so i could listen to his crap? i was having my windows closed and he was having all 4 of em open..so? should i shut off my radio next?

    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      No, you should throw a full cup of coffee through his open window.

  18. about my previous comment on status update..i was not having music loudly.. but this fella had his radio near to the max..and he was fuckin yelling that he needs to listen to politics and to shut my stupid music off..so i turn it up..what? should i listen to his politics too? i was not having the music loud at the red light..

  19. about my previous comment on status update..i was not having music loudly.. but this fella had his radio near to the max..and he was fuckin yelling that he needs to listen to politics and to shut my stupid music off..while i was having my windows closed he had all 4 of em open..and he was talking like you were some trash..fuck that kind of man..i respect everyone but a man like this? fuck him..and thats its why i turn it up..and i would do it again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jessica


      life's to short to deal with either of you. Gally or the other guy i mean

    3. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      Im with you on that one Gally, I tuned my road rage into bass rage.

    4. Soccerballzs


      Kids will be kids!

  20. About my stollen amp...after the police got a search warrant for the car audio shop...they found that the =sold= amplifier was there in the shop all the time...for concluding..i wont sue them neither i wont pay them for the repairing bill, which the amp was not even repaired at all...and after all i got me my broken amp back...guess i will try contacting some other shop

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. audiofanaticz


      Not sure where your located Gally, but Corey Brandes here in Wisconsin is a WHIZ with amplifiers, DB-r is also good, but expensive and a long wait. Amp Medics in FL is also great, fair priced and a decent turn around time. STAY FAR FAR AWAY from CIA Engineering, and ARC (amp repair center), both companies do bad bad bad work!

    3. gally


      im located in Europe, Slovenia, the amplifier i had given to repair is also in slovenia,in a city for about 2 hours from me..

    4. audiofanaticz


      welp then disregard

      what I said. LOL

  21. after that a REAL BUILD

  22. almost re did my 4 wheeler...needed a friend to fix me some things that broke during the rides..also some new twist throttle..and im hoping i will get it finished by the end of tomorrow

    1. TRON


      Twist throttle? race quad?

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