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Status Updates posted by scooter99

  1. Getting closer!  Notre Dame FTMFW tonight!

  2. Hey where'd my status go?

    1. will77530
    2. scooter99


      well, that escalated quickly!  Someone crap in your taco bell tonight or what?

  3. Hey guys, I need help with a 4th order please!  Click the link for the thread: http://www.stevemead...-please-please/

    1. Neckbeard


      your link is broken :||

  4. So disaster has been avoided on my car.  Turns out it was a burnt coil, which is not uncommon since they went to the individual coils on newer cars.  Rust was not rust it was discoloration from the plug not firing.  New plug new coil, picked it up this morning and it's back to zippy!  Well as zippy as a 4cyl civic can get!  LOL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Major catastrophe averted! Outstanding!

    3. IBleedMusick


      AYE! Don't knock the 4 Bangers we goes real fast lol.

    4. Kyblack76


      cool beans....... good news man..... cheers

  5. Just got some terrible news.  I took my car in cause the heater wasn't working right, taking way too long to heat up.  They checked that an went through the engine and found rust on spark plug # 2 and in chamber #2.  THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. scooter99


      Ok I heard from the dealer.  The coil was blown and apparently ever since manufacturer's went to individual coils, this is actually not uncommon.  It was not rust on the plug, but discoloration from not running for who knows how long.  So ive been driving on 3 cylinders for I dont know how long.  So disaster avoided!!!  Whew!!!!

    3. scooter99


      Oh and apparently the heater issue has to do with being low on radiator fluid.  Not sure how that works but they said they flushed it, checked for leaks, found none and now the heater works fine.  Go figure!!!!!

    4. Leo1103


      glad to hear it all worked out!

  6. Hey guys who've been following my thread, and anyone else for that matter, I think I figured out a solution to my problem.  Can you guys go look and let me know your opinions.  I lowered the port height, and widened it and ended up almost the same numbers to acomodate for some stuff that just can't be cut out.  I was worried about dropping a notch down in the port, so I adjusted it so I don't have to put it in the port itself.  Could use some confirmati...

  7. You know what the problem with Christmas Music is!?!  No matter how many different people sing it, it's still Jingle Bell Rock, or Santa Baby, or whatever!  WE need some new Christmas songs!  All these "GREAT" artists out there, let's get some new stuff going!  That is all!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. scooter99


      LOL DRE I thought you were making shit up!  LMAO!  I didn't know it was real!  Funny shit!  

      Delfoid, but that's what I'm talking about, it's still Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer! Just done with someone else's spin.  I mean new shit!

    3. kandiman71874


      Seeing as the holidays are nothing but a way for corporate america to make money now, there isnt anything to really sing about that would ring true to the OLD holiday spirit...

    4. IBleedMusick


      Oh well then my friend I will send you a full list of rap christmas songs. I got one that I heard recently by the Quad City DJ's or something I will go find it. Plus you have Run DMC's rendetion which is the shit lol

  8. Don't the people at work understand that this is cutting into my build time! Damn work!!!

    1. IBleedMusick


      Can't like this but I concur. I been in my office all day drawing up ideas for my trunk :peepwall:

  9. Oh yes, Civic build is back and in full swing!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang


      Seems like the car was gone forever. Glad you finally got her back.

    3. scooter99


      There's still problems though.  Color doesn't match, pulls hard to the left, driver window is messed up.  I'm not happy to say the least!!

    4. OrionStang


      Well then, I retract my statement :(

      Hope it gets worked out in the end.

  10. Hopefully my car will be back in my hands by the end of the week.  Got a box temporarily built, and ready to go in! I just have no car to put it in right now!  Hoping this build is quick as hell!!

  11. Sure would like to have my car back so I can start BUILDING SOMETHING!!!  Parts on the way!

  12. 4th order design is made. Now I just need time and materials to get it built!


  14. AAAAHHHHHHHHH, Sooo nice to have bass in my ride again! Oh how I missed it!

  15. Praying that I can get my box in tonight and playing tomorrow night! Getting closer!

    1. IBleedMusick


      Can you hear that? I can their chanting your name SCOOTER SCOOTER SCOOTER SCOOTER DJ Scoocter on the turntables...beam me up scotty :rofl: finish the damn box so you can have the crowd chanting that.

  16. NICE! Someone posted some bullshit in the Random Picture thread now I'm getting the red warning screen! WTF!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Just a case of bitchassness. I've had no problems with that site or anything affiliated with it.

    3. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Same here. It's all good just Antivirus being dumb

    4. b-dubs89


      i clicked on that thread after seeing the thread asking if safe and no warnings come up on my screen. audiokarma has given me the red screen alot

  17. Ok the civic is back on again! One day we'll make up our minds, but until then, I'm building on this bish!!!

    1. IBleedMusick


      :peepwall::popcorn: On with the building.
  18. I need to just take a month off of my worthless job, and get both my projects done! Oops did I let the cat out of the bag!?! :peepwall:

  19. I need to just take a month off of my worthless job, and get both my projects done! Oops did I let the cat out of the bag!?! :peepwall:

  20. Wishing I had time to get this damn build started! I'm all set to get going, but no time to do it! DAMN!

  21. Hey everyone, I need an Alpine Faceplate. Preferably a CDA-9886, but a 9884, 9885, or 9887 will work as well. It's for a custom install job on my car and I mainly need it for cosmetics. Let me know if you guys have anything please. Thanks!

  22. Ok this is funny yet irritating. I just posted up a thread about malware and alerts I'm getting and cannot get into some threads on here, my for sale thread for one. Posted the thread, got a response, now I can't get into it cause it's now been effected. WTF IS GOING ON!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. scooter99


      think chat has been glitchy for a while. But it just happened starting today I think. Not sure what's going on.

    3. Freshman6969


      me either, i thought it was just me at first, but after i saw your thread i was like thank god, i dont have the money for another comp. lol

    4. scooter99


      Ya I hope someone sees it and can take care of it. I panicked too. I just need to get into my FS thread to get these damn amps sold! I guess it's for selfish reasons. But either way I need it fixed!

  23. Thanks! Got more to post up tonight. I did some work to start the audio portion today!

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