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Status Replies posted by meade916

  1. Seen Meade's IS-F in Roseville today, good goobety-woo!!!

  2. I told folks to watch out for Buffalo. They are about to take out New England, and the Lion's aren't kidding around either.

  3. new to this forum. you can check my rep on CACO

  4. Orion: you deleted your post while i was replying you fucker! lol

  5. Guys I can't afford to sell a 600 dollar processor for 200 bucks... Im not made of money.. YET!!!! and besides that it prob the cheapest your gonna find one for..

  6. Has been approved to revanue share on youtube, and also just found out I am now a youtube partner!!!!!

  7. woke up this morning and went to the bathroom to take a ninja piss. Noticed someone sittin on my toliet. I say what da fuck, and ask who she is, then a lady comes down the stairs and screams. WTF is going on i say, then i come to the realization that im not in my house, im at some chicks house in just mah boxers.

  8. Thanks Steve for staying true to your word, even tho you was buzzing! haha

  9. SOME BITTER ASS MOTHERFUCKING FORUMS OUT THERE - ADD DYI TO THE LIST LOL! Nobody on other forums ever congradulates, just hates. OH WELL.

  10. xentec HID fucking sucks!!!!!!

  11. XS power dealers Pm me... all ur in boxes are full

  12. stay away from audiopipe...never run their products!

  13. Cant wait to get out of Iraq so I can start building my system!!!

  14. 29 days bitch

  15. Happy Birthday to me!!!!

  16. the Lex is officially DUMPED...

  17. Hello everyone, I'm new at this, and I joined thanks to steve channel on youtube =)

  18. got my other 4 amps ordered...soon to be 14k rms in the f150

  19. So its official, im a married man!

  20. Day 9, what an unbelievable feat.... I feel awesome

  21. ATTENTION M.P.R You have been warned about your status messages, keep it up and im dropping a nuke. 0 warnings left. tick tick tick

  22. ATTENTION M.P.R You have been warned about your status messages, keep it up and im dropping a nuke. 0 warnings left. tick tick tick

  23. DAY 7 no cigs woooot woooot

  24. i think i just fucked up the hummer....... FUCK!!!!!!

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